this is what happens when you are an idiot.

either way, everyone I’ve seen the person has walked away from

Looks like you better stay in “skool” even if you are walking there. Sorry, I just had to. Anyway, at least you’re okay. It’s sad to see a clean car you liked go, and tough to toss $3k down the drain. But such is life. I wish everybody that picks up a RWD car would be forced to take it to a few AutoXs (or better yet an AutoX driving school). It sucks you had to learn the hard way.


buffed mah shiznat out black! It will come back dont worry!

yeah i guess i had to learn the hard way.

and i know how spell school it just takes longer typing with one hand

you wrecked a stock automatic 240… amazing!

What the fuck!! Dude… I hope you had full coverage!! Atleast you’re ok. Damn man… I dont even know what else to say…

sucks man…good luck. Be cool…stay in school

yes nick that red one that was towards the end of the row

what did it look like before the crash? any pics? DAMN!

it hurts to much to look at the pics.its the one in my i did not have full coverage.its a total dad warned me and said i should get full coverage but it was the last thing on my mind.i’ve been pretty depressed since yesterday i just wanna graduate and move on.

the thing that sucks the most is that it was 100% my fault.the best thing i can do right now is to suck it up and raise some money and start looking for another 240.

you weren’t receiving a knobber while you were driving, were you? :bigthumb:

were you the only one in the car?

^^^haha that would be a perfect excuse!

thankfully my girl was in florida so i was the only one in the car.

i’m glad it was a big ass truck and not a car.

u need to fix ur sig … i guess it was tooo big

well i aint puttin up another pic of the 240 now lol.

what happen to your truck?hit a pole?

yea, he pretty much bought that pole… at the low low price of $9999.00 or somethin close to that

:rofl:… yup what he said and it was 9k

Dude, you should tell them to let you get that pole, since you have to pay for it. Atleast you would have something to show for your money.


he all ready smokes the pole :bigthumb:

:rofl: :rofl: