this is what happens when you are an idiot.

Hahaha… that he does

:wtcslap: :squint:

haha Im messin with you dude. :stick:

i know
:wink: :grouphug:

damn that fn sucks. 3k down the drain. that thing was so nice too. hope you learned alittle bit about rwd and counter steering.

i have to second whitey on the whole stock auto s13 thing BUT i can tell you that when i first picked up my car that i slid out of control around a few turns. I didn’t wreck luckily.

going from a slow ass FWD car to a something light, RWD with some slight power is a learning experience.


I learned to drive in a RWD car. Also drove one for months after I got my lisence. The first time that ass end creeps around can be a suprise, but you can’t panic. That’s when bad things happen.

bleh, thinking about i think i did panic.i was just never in a situation like that before.i didnt know what to do my reaction was late.i’ve come in to many close calls with my accord but i always pulled through.

edit your sig… and I guess youll never be a mad fly drifter!

its “JDM TyTe y0 Drifter” :bigok:

drifting is not a trend its a lifestyle.

borderline racism…not funny

I have a brother.

i saw the aftermath of your wreck. i was driving by the starbucks and saw your car sitting there are thought hmmm thats a weird place to park then noticed the front of your car was basically missing. i wondered how it happened.

you going to try to part the car out

Damn this is a small world aint it?lol.

and no i’m not trying to part the car out.theirs nothing good left anyways…


well the dash ripped out a couple inches and i think it took the door panels with it to…the seat could be salvaged but i’m not gonna pay the 35 per day since the accident to get it back.

i was actually up at L. Thomas tonight checking out my cousins wrecked car. I noticed your car. the guy working up there let me check it out! there are definitely some salvageable parts on that car.

What are they looking for to buy that car back? I might be interested in it for parts.


whats salvageable?did you take a look at the door panels?i wonder if they are still good?i would think since the dash came out it would of ripped them a lil but i didnt check to see.the seats and the back interior could be salvaged i guess.

If you wantd to buy the car back, you would have to pay the 500 plus bux for the parking fees. i’m deffinatly gonna try and get the cd player next time.