This is why I had to get rid of her. *Pics*

Sorry for the shitty quality, pics were taken by my phone.


man those pics bring a tear to my eye… : ( when did you find out it has that huge hole in the wheel well? dam… well i hope you find a new one soon! : )

fak looking back at those pics… i see he fuked up the bumper as he left… : (

may she rest in peace, and one day become a part of something new

haha oh man mark i thought my first grey S13 was bad. urs just brings a new name to it

Shoulda salvaged the brake master. :o

bobby’s was worse and he had it welded up,. boosted it and is driving it around right now.

haha i won’t even be able to find your house now without that car in the driveway

Same with kyle “minimum” he pulled his SR out then had it towed here to us and we patched it all up, he put his motor back in and is current driving it without any issues…

damn… well i’d rather not bother with this car. too many problems. i’m kinda happy that it’s finally gone. But it was my very first 240sx. So… tear.