This is why you DON'T Streetrace (Warning: Graphic)

Dont streetrace, its stupid, moronic, you risk loosing your car and more importantly your life.

Disgusting! I wouldn’t recomend anyone watch that if they dont have a strong stomach

but its good because it shows people the reality of it. Life is fragile and street racing is futile.

I almost missed the video I was stuck looking at the guide to
all jokes aside DON’T STREET RACE ITS GAY!!

i`ve seen worse but yeah thats life i think there should be a video of dead people that have died from street racing and the street racers should have to watch it to give them a prospective of life

so hes dead right ?

LOL ME TOO, lol guide to vagina hahahaahah

anyway was he riding a motorcycle? cuz if he was in the car… kind of hard to imagine him flying out =\

lol that was hardly really disgusting. i think that threw out the years i have just been desensitized from being online

sucks to be him!

Ye you shouldn’t street race and also shouldnt drink or smoke. Look how many people die from cancer from cigarette smoking but still people STILL do it from knowing the dangers from it.

i loves me some smoking.

I agree that was not bad, seen worst.

draggone has to stare at his face when he wakes in the morning… so this clip should be a walk in the park…

The thing about being on a bike is that it can happen even at regular speeds… my uncle lost his arm cruising home after work…

cigarettes are gross . marijuana is good to smoke though. no one has ever died. and you gets high

I guess he got what he had coming.

How do your limbs get severed so cleanly anyways? That’s pretty fucked up.

I agree… I’ve seen much worse. That’s like looking at softcore porn.

what kind of porn do you watch that comparable to chopped up people :/:

tat crazy =(

Probably some crazy german shit…

wow. :whip::whip::whip:

thats why cars have seatbelts.