Throttle Body Cleaner

Hey guys,

I went out and bought some throttle body cleaner, as that is what was suggested to me by some friends after showing them that my car was constantly idling low, and dipping to about 500rpm as I would slow to a stop. They said to use that on my engine and it should solve the problem. I did this just yesterday, I followed the instructions. Following this I drove my car, and what do you know, the low idling problem is fixed! Great! Still when I come to a stop, the car is dipping to around 500rpm, it never stalls but it still doesn’t seem right to me. So my first question is, what could be causing this problem? How do I go about fixing it? Also today I was driving my car, and I was in 3rd gear hit about 4000rpm, and car jittered, felt like it lost power, so I immediately took my foot of the gas. At the time I thought this was something serious but as I kept driving to where I was going the car jittered 2 or 3 times but never stalled or shut off. I got the car to my driveway and let it idle, no problems there, it was idling fine. So I’m wondering if it might have something to do with using the Throttle Body Cleaner on my car yesterday? Could it be a sensor? Is it possible it damaged from the cleaner?

Any help would be much appreciated.


i tihnk there is an adjustment nobe on the throttle body it is a flat screw turn it to make ur idle higher or lower i think

to adjust idle, there is a IACV ( Idle Air Control Valve) download the fsm and make sure everything is up to specs.

the iacv valve’s near the back of the engine sort of under the 4th intake runner. so if you stand by the passenger side and bend your head down as close as possible to the fuel filter in that gap you can usually see the adjustment screw. just use a flathead to rotate. i believe clockwise is lower idle and ccw is higher. but yeah check out the fsm first.

Having a steady idle isn’t so much the problem anymore. I was driving today, luckily only 1 block away from my house. My car started jittering again, almost like a cough, floated around 500 - 600 RPM, before it completely stalled on me. What now? It seems after waiting a couple minutes the car starts and idles around 1100 rpm, but it doesn’t seem reliable enough to drive. What could the problem be? My guess is a sensor? But which one, and how do I replace it?

What did you do with the throttle body cleaner? Double check anything you removed during the cleaning.

Simply followed the instructions, I removed the rubber boot closest to the throttle body, started the car, and sprayed it small portions in. Following that I shut the car off, put the boot back, and drive the car around. Is that not right? Did I not put enough in? Or too much? I’ll double check when I’m in the garage, since I’m in the middle of changing the rotors/pads at the moment. But I’m 100% sure I put everything back where I found it.

I’m not sure if this’ll help but you can try spraying that cleaner around the tb flange to make sure you’re getting a good enough seal there. if the engine at idle seems to rev higher when you spray it around the tb, you have a leak and should look into that. if nothing changes then your seal’s good. also make sure you double check your vacuum lines. sensor wise, if you didn’t touch anything else but the tb, i guess you could look into the tps as well. other than that all i can think of right now is the mafs acting up. that’s the sensor attached just after the air box with some sort of retaining clip holding it in.

I tried spraying the throttle body cleaner around the flange, and no luck there, the engine didn’t respond to it at all. Which is good though, means the seal is fine! As for the MAF, I did try cleaning with alcohol but that was 2 days ago, and this problem occurred following it. The gauge on the cluster in my car has been going nuts for the last 2 months, at idle it reads the proper temperature, but when I hit the gas it just goes all over the place. Could this have anything to do with this problem?

temp sensors will fuck your car up insanly… u just dont know what it can cause…
change ur temp sensor, and recheck your MAF.
also try spraying some TBCleaner into the hose that goes to your IACV might be dirty in there aswell.

Where is the temp sensor located? How much does it cost to buy a new one? Is it hard to remove/replace? Is it expensive to replace the MAF as well? Maybe rather then attempting to clean these things I should just bite the bullet buy them brand new and this way I know they fuction properly.

download a FSM(search for it here or on

pricing depends were u find one… not sure on dealer but u might find a working one in the for sale section
but im almost 100% thats ur prob, either that or ur rad is empty and you just need coolant but i bet you checked that.

also just check your oil to make sure its not milky… could be a head gasket causing bad compression thus dropping idle…

Nope I do my own oil changes, every 3000-4000km, and I’ve been making sure the coolant level is full. I actually have a copy of the FSM on my computer right now and tear down, not quite sure where to find the sensor in it. I’ll look through it now see what I can find. Anyone know the difficulty of changing this sensor?

Thanks for the input!!!