Tinted Windshield

Now that this thread is off topic…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

It really doesn’t matter to me what they say to me. I don’t go to bed analyzing what people on Shift518 say to me. I read it, may get bothered by it (sometimes I just laugh at the hypocrisy), but at the end of the day…I really don’t care. I left this forum for a couple of weeks because it was getting to me (all the verbal ‘abuse’ :rofl) but after that break I realized none of you really matter at the end of the day. I’m better off than the majority of this forum except for a few people who are successful and have done good for themselves. So what do I have to be ashamed about again? Anyone who’s actually met me from this forum knows who I am and what kind of person I am. If some of these people want to draw conclusions from what limited interactions they’ve had with me (through a screen) or based on my beliefs, that’s their cup of tea. Life is too short to worry about what some shmuck on Shift518 says about my religious beliefs or my opinion.

I’m Christian and I’m Conservative. Deal with it.

Keep on raggin on. You’re just wasting your time.