Tinted Windshield

Your tint job makes baby Jesus cry.

Does he have a Tuxedo T-Shirt?

100% Agree… I’d be willing to let anybody sit in mine at night and see the difference it is not that big of a loss in fact I have had people not realize it was tinted who first drove in it at night. The glare it cuts down on is well worth it and how much cooler my truck stays is amazing! As for seeing in though you can only see in if light hits it just right otherwise forget it.

you’re all doing it wrong! if you go through with it, do it right and do it all the way. do it like they do on the tv commercials, for those cars. 5%, two layers on every pane of glass.

Ilya, I think your reg/insp stickers should be a little more towards the center of the windshield:haha

looks like shit, bro.

not to mention crooked ass reg and insp. stickers FTMFL

Sooo let me get this straight…

You tinted your front windshield for the sole purpose of keeping your car cooler.

My question is, are the multiple tickets and hundreds if not thousands you will end up paying in fines, which you WILL receive and pay, worth the 30 seconds you have to wait for your AC unit to kick on and cool your car to a comfortable level?

Did you forget that 6 months out of the year NYS is covered in snow which requires very cold air. Cold air that is no longer going to warm from natural sunlight in your car, so that when you get in it will feel like a freezer?

So in conclusion, you paid money, and you will pay more for multiple fines, to tint your FRONT windshield because you can’t sit for 30 seconds in your car while the AC kicks in, for only 6 warm months of the year?

I guess the saying goes, you can’t fix stupid.

^who cares, not your car, not your tickets not your problem. ease up on the kid.

^^ Why don’t you ease up on sticking up for Ilya who makes baby jesus cry.

Simply stating my opinion on the matter, an opinion which is apparently shared by 99.9% of the rest of the forum.

He obviously came in here looking for opinions, why else would he post this thread when in 30 seconds you can find thousands of pictures on Google of tinted windshields?

Or are we only allowed to post what the OP wants to hear?

opinions are fine. but yall just use him as a punching bag.

i honestly think tinted windscreens are terrible, but no need to bash the kid.

looks like complete shit

BTW, It’s the cars like yours that keep the po po occupied for when I drive by…so thanks in advance for paying my ticket fines bud :wink:

Tint looks like shit.



Bro, your picture captions have me :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Now that this thread is off topic…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

It really doesn’t matter to me what they say to me. I don’t go to bed analyzing what people on Shift518 say to me. I read it, may get bothered by it (sometimes I just laugh at the hypocrisy), but at the end of the day…I really don’t care. I left this forum for a couple of weeks because it was getting to me (all the verbal ‘abuse’ :rofl) but after that break I realized none of you really matter at the end of the day. I’m better off than the majority of this forum except for a few people who are successful and have done good for themselves. So what do I have to be ashamed about again? Anyone who’s actually met me from this forum knows who I am and what kind of person I am. If some of these people want to draw conclusions from what limited interactions they’ve had with me (through a screen) or based on my beliefs, that’s their cup of tea. Life is too short to worry about what some shmuck on Shift518 says about my religious beliefs or my opinion.

I’m Christian and I’m Conservative. Deal with it.

Keep on raggin on. You’re just wasting your time.

How are you better off than the majority of this forum? Please enlighten us oh great one as to how you obtained this information? Did you do a public search of every forum member to establish their networth, then compare it to your own?

If not then you are guilty of assuming who we are based on face value, which you just blamed the “majority” of the forum for doing to you. So speaking of hypocrisy…


Fixed that for ya. Grammatical errors dont seem to fit GOOD in your pompous posts.