Tokyo Drift Impressions????

so is it worth spending 8 american or should I wait and rent it?..Basically I go to the movies for movies where the big screen and speakers…is it that type of movie?

ill take you on a date bics… :slight_smile: im still debating on seeing it or just waiting… i still never saw the 2nd one yet

sweet…i guess :hsugh: :puke:

i dunno, it was worth it to me… I love the movies though, i see at least 3 a month.

Th second one was crap esp when they destroyed a “yenko” camaro and a hemi challenger …best part was Eva Mendes in a bikini …

1st and 2nd where just entertainment and I liked them.

Seen 3rd one last night. Horrible acting Horrible everything.


all three were dumb…i only watch to laugh at them

In many ways Tokyo Drift is very similar to the 1st movie. An outsider (Sean) comes in and gets involved with a close knit group of friends (just like Brian did with “the team” in FF1)…Both characters become a hero within the group (Brian rescues Dom & Sean challenges DK to earn respect)…New hero steals the gf of one of the group members (Brian steals Mia from Vince & Sean steals Neela from DK)

The lack of cops & the focus on the main characters is what makes TD better than FF1 and 2.

Saw it last week… not bad, would have been better to see more grudge match style races in the movie

saw it for 6 bucks with The Breakup, Drive-in FTW