Track day miata build

I was thinking the same thing about ps seat fitment with the cage in that configuration.

The passenger doesnt need as much room to fit under the steering wheel as well as comfortably modulate the pedals. This exact cage is in probably 50% of caged miatas and I have never read anyone having issues fitting a passenger, so im not too worried.

Coming together nicely.

Tight fit.

I’m totally loving this.

Look like great fitment

Cage is in. Next weekend I will be starting the poly bushing install, as well as the other goodies that are on their way.

Koyo 55 rad
R-edition tierod ends (used to reduce bumpsteer on lowered vehicles)
g-force harness

Thinking of selling the sparco seat if anyone is interested. The way that it fits in the car doesnt please me as much as it should for a $700+ seat. Looking at picking up a couple ultrashield rallysports and back braces-- can get both for the price of one sparco seat and since this isnt a DD, im not too worried about comfort for 2+ hour drives. Ill have to get in touch with someone who has one to try it out.

Slow day today. Only had a few hours to work and the lift was occupied so I decided to take a corner off and start putting the poly bushings in. Took a little while to get the best technique down, but I think I should be able to pound out the other 3 corners pretty quickly with what I learned doing this corner.

Most people burn the OEM rubber bushings out. I am lazy and done like cleaning up the mess, so I decided to use a different technique. I forgot to take a picture while I was doing it, but here is one found somewhere on one of the forums. You use a ball joint removal tool and just impact the bushing out. Comes out clean with no mess.

Primed and painted.

New bushings ready to go in.

Forgot to take a picture, but I put self tapping zerk fittings in every corner with fancy red dust caps.

Energysuspension Poly bushing set? I’ve thought about adding a Master set to the car? Are they generally a good idea for a Solo car?

just make sure you apply grease liberally!

my guess as to why he added a zerk fitting? I actually have a bag of them and a tap… Hummm

Longuyen88 you have them?

Yeah, thats why i zerked them. Im not sure about the rules, so make sure bushings are allowed in the class you run.

Looks great! You are making good progress on this. Can’t wait to see it finished!

I used to think taking off the intake manifold on an STI was my least favorite thing in the world to do. Now, doing poly bushings is my least favorite thing to do.

One more corner to go.

Look at that pretty purple butt! Lol.

When I bought the car, there was a clunk in the front end when turning that I wasnt too worried about seeing as I had planned to replace everything. Well, I think this is what was causing it.
(Front right side)
The lower rear control arm bushing seems like its missing some rubber doesnt it?

For anyone who was wondering, I have not seen this posted anywhere. It IS possible to do the front bushings without removing the balljoints. Wasnt that bad actually if you have a balljoint tool to push the bushings out.

Bushings are all done. RB front sway bar is in. Waiting for 949 endlinks to come back in stock.

Just for my reference for what i need -
alignment (new eccentrics if budget allows)
grease for control arms + wheel bearings
Front hubs
pass rear axle/hub
949 endlinks (torque sway/endlinks)
dtc-60 pads
fab up “test pipe”
sfi rollbar padding
bleed brakes
research rad hoses
paint cage/order paint
choose color for hardtop (gloss or flat black?)
finish welding tunnel notch
trans/diff fluid swap (what diff fluid for torsen?)
new shift boot
pyrometer (research)
data acquisition
coolant temp gauge

I have a few eccentic bolts around if you need spares and a starter.

Ill let you know. The “right” thing to do is replace them all with new ones, but I am not sure how much I care. There are a couple that the “washer”(?) end is actually a bit squished. A new full set is like 60 bucks-- havent decided yet what I am going to do. I wish you still had the god damn motor. I want to have a spare block to build this summer for the turbo next winter. I dont need the starter, but if youre just going to junk it I would take it as a just in case spare. LMK, im sure I will see you around this summer.

The hyperico springs for my coils are on backorder so I am delayed getting this damn thing finished (hence how much time im spending on the copmuter at the shop). Think im going to switch rates to 800-500 (they are in stock). Those rates were recomended to me by the guy who holds all of the lap records in the midwest, but I cant get myself to jump yet. I think they will be a little too stiff.

What color for the top. Black or white? The wheels are black.

Sanded the 4000000002 layers of paint off of the hardtop. It has been black, then light red, then dark red, then primer, then 7 coats of black. Its down to white right now, and I kinda like how it looks.

If you’re going with black wheels then I’d stick with black for the top.

How about something like…

Do you know a place to get small quantities of vinyl? Ill absolutely do it lol