Track Tips


its been around longer than me! :eek4:

no. thats teabagging.

Red rose

poop 5 mins before race and race in the nude, = weight reduction

also shave any body hair.

:rofl::owned: :kekegay::rofl:

its been around longer than me! 

thats really old then lol :owned:

Awesome write up on staging , I would also think a very helpful tip in going to the track for great times would be to go over you vehicle, parts, weight, shifts points etc. Make sure you weakest link is the strongest you can make it. Seen alot of great racers, with awesome R/T times, great staging practices, but fall short on double checking the rod bolt torque, and watch a piston or rod take flight.

also more people need to learn to courtesy stage. if it is a race for points or money you have to do it and most heads up classes require it or you will be disqualified

Courtesy Stage? …

Maybe Im just an idiot … but Ive never heard of it

i think that means not rushing in and staging… but i could be wrong

yes,prestage & wait for fellow racer to prestage,than stage!dont take for ever also!

Ahh take your time you have 14 seconds to stage after he lites the tree :smiley:

thats why the guy up there took 30seconds to stage! :rolleyes:


There is 7" between the prestage and stage beams. Once you break the prestage beam you have approximately 7" of travel to break the stage beam.

aint it six?

I guess we are both right. Read this.

The two photocells are linked to the Tree: the Pre-Stage, and the Stage lights. When the car inches forward and blocks the first photocell, the Pre-Stage light comes on, indicating that the driver is close to the starting line. Most tracks have a rollout, or distance between the Pre-Stage and Stage beams of 6-8". The driver can now nudge the car forward until the car blocks the Stage beam, thus lighting the Stage bulbs on the Tree. This means that the driver is on the starting line, and is presumably ready to go. The driver also has the option of deep-staging, however, which means he bumps his car forward even more until the Pre-Stage bulb goes out. This means that his tire has just left the Pre-Stage beam


Couple things I’ve been told for a GP…

-front tires 26psi rear 40 (street)
-take out jack and spare
-take out pass seat
-a/c off, heat on max
-get a manual fan switch
-race with an 1/8 a tank
-turn off trac
-use GTO spring blockers on the rear

oh yeah, and some guys pull the abs fuse to disable the torque management

I think it’s #28 under the hood