Trader feedback: 3sny.

you are the coolest mod in the world

A few months back I was selling a BOV for real cheap…$20. He offered me $10, I say 15… ok deal. He doesn’t have money for it till w/e day. OK fine ill hold on to it. In the mean time someone else offered to pay the full $20… I tell um it’s sold. so he offers me $30 for it. Trying to not be a dick I told um i cant go and sell it under 3sny. The day he would have the money comes and he didn’t have the money… so I PM the other guy and he agrees to pick it up the next morning. Then low and behold 3sny TEXT’s me saying he has the money. I explain that I had it sold for $30 picked up. He tells me he’ll give me $20 but I gotta meet him somewhere that was about 15 miles away since we already had a deal. I explain that my jeep gets about 15 MPG and the CRX is on 100 octane at 5.59/gallon so basically I loose at least $5 in fuel to drop it off… back down to $15… or HALF of what the other guy offered me… he wouldn’t meet the other offer and im still the asshole

These poor and ugly faggot comments are killing me.:drama2::lolham:

I want to see what he looks like… Does anyone have a pic of him?

hahhaha, I dont know why but that made me laugh super hard. Maybe because I was looking at that thread with the fat bitch on HMT.

Wow, he’s that bad… there’s definitely a pattern with all these complaints.

I am glad I am not a mod cause i would have banned this guy by this point in the thread just because he is a turd sandwich

n uh uh. hes a giant douche

(not from any real world personal experience. but word of mouth works wonders)

as i posted in his thread, i’m sorry you guys have had bad luck, but we met outside of the cornerstone bank in lockport last night and i picked up the trd spoiler. I had no problems at all. Everything went smooth, i got it for a great price, and actually with how on-time he was reading this thread makes me wonder if we are talking about the same person?

this was also the first thing i’ve bought off here though…so i’m kind of glad i didnt see this thread before, otherwise i probably wouldnt have bought it…

he couldnt even manage to rent us a tent for out end of summer party

he offered it up
he asked for $75 rental fee
we agreed
he disappeared without a trace and wouldnt fucking respond … left us having to hunt for a comperable substitute like 3 days before the event

we literaly found replacement tents as we were loading the truck to go set up the party (day of)

hes obviously a shady piece of shit

My 3sny story.

I went to buy a camber kit for my delsol.
He pm’s me and tells me he has it for sale so i write back and ask how much and when i can pick it up.
He pms me his number i call him, no answer so i text him and he texts back telling me that he can meet me tonight at so and so time and place… i wait around…never texts me back. this goes on for days.
I just said fuck it.

end of my story

hotrodkid i dont have to rent u a thing, ur party was far and u wanted to pick up and set a $2000 tent up yourself.

like MKE said ive done good business with him, badnewsmini tons of times,micah twice,93gspeccivic,95mx6,skunkape,boardjnky,kris,eazy716,nb22 just to name a few.

You might need to name a few more than that, and have them back you up too, because your still in the negative. Just an observation.

At anyrate, this thread isn’t going to go anywhere but south in terms of direction. The warning has been put out, and a search will bring it up for anyone wondering.

Stip being shady people.

PMed to me by 3sny for posting here:

Well this guy was supposed to buy my turbo for the past 2 weeks, have had some problems meeting up. So no big deal right? Well we were finally supposed to meet up today, Tops at french and transit.

Well I get there a bit late because I went to the wrong tops. no big deal. Well I get to the right tops and he says he’s at the gas station in front. So I wait around, doing some driftos and donuts and such to kill time. He asks me where I am and I say I’m in the black GTI. He responds that he doesn’t see me and that he walked around transit and french and didn’t see me.

Says he drives around the gas station and missed my car…It’s pretty hard to miss. It’s loud black and low and has HID’s. well he says fuck it he can’t wait so I get pissed off and do a pretty lengthly heater on my way out of the parking lot. Now if you miss my car you must be:bloated: So then I leave and the calls start coming. I answer the first one and hear nothing so I hang up and call my mom.

Not once would he answer me when I asked what car he was in.
Not once did I see anyone walking around, nor did I see any cars drive around(the only 2 were old ladies.)

Ontop of that I dropped the price almost 150 bucks less than what I was asking for the turbo, and the dude had the nerve to ask me if I would take $85!!!

I feel robbed of my time and gas for having to wait around for this kid.

What a fucking waste of everything.

guy is a douchebag.


Is he a crackhead?

Good old 3sny right back to his old self + 1 for ban


how hard is it to answer your phone to tell people if you dont want the item, let alone offer them ridiculous low balls and then stiff them like he does to everyone .Im surprised anyone is still willing to do business with him. :tdown: