Trader feedback: 3sny.

Is there a new High School drama forum I don’t know about?

pretty lame if thats true


you are standing in it right now it appears

I hate retarded people :bloated:

Steve you shoulda avoided this guy though…I told you, lol knowone should ever deal with him again

omg and he told me my ass looks fat in these jeans. seriously always do a search before you sell someone something or buy it. thats what i do

anyone else have any stories on this guy with classifieds? please do tell

We need a trader rating section, Stat

theres a whole thread

Newman posted the link up.

looks like he gets a kick out of making people drive around

I just sold him an FMU…he lowballed me but i didnt know what it was worth nor did I have a use for it so I was happy to get something for it. Met me on time and had cash in hand. No problems here.

i think that is hillarious i seriously wanna do that to someone


I have had the exact same issues.

He pms me about a transmission I have for sale. Then low balls me. After I tell him not to low ball me he agrees to a price and then says he will pm me. Or not i will call hiim

I did that…about 10 times and got the run around… consistantly.

I understand when things come up it happens, but don’t dick me around.

I motion for ban from classifieds.

This fucking kid is lucky I didn’t throw the fucking thing through the windshield of his POS civic. I was pissed.

yeah i’m pretty sure he swung by my place to pick up a muffler one time. He gave me 20 bucks for it or something, I cant remember. He did show up though.

more importantly, wtf is he using all this random shit for?


  1. Don’t rip people off. You will be a very well known member of our Good Guy / Bad Guy Forum.

Where is the good guy / bad guy forum??

and i second that, what the fuck can he use all of these random parts for?

he lowballs people for things and then re sells them for more money most of the time.

Ugh, I have mulitiple bad experiancs, I do belive there is a whole thread of them somewhere

maybe he is building the sickest pile of shit ever. or he is smart and sells the stuff to dumb ricer kids