Trader feedback: 3sny.

ok 3sny pm’d me about my brothers taurus i had for sale, i answered a bunch of legit questions for him, and even drove there to get the vin as soon as he asked for it. he said he would call me sunday and come take a look at it, he even made me a cash offer via pm. sunday comes, i sit around waiting for his call, nothing. he couldnt even call or text me to tell me he couldnt make it.

so i pm him the next day about it, and he said he didnt want it because he ran a car fax and it said it had more miles than was shown. i told him this was a simple typo at the dmv my mom got it fixed and the adjusted title had came in the mail the previous week. this obv doesnt explain the waste of my time sitting waiting for a call on sunday…

:tdown: shitty to deal with. meh, i took a deposit on it the following week from another board member :tup:

EDIT: and im going to also say he is most likely poor, ugly, and a faggot.

if i had a nickle for everytime i waited around on someone that would never show up to come look at a car, i could probably afford to just junk the fucking thing.

he wanted to buy something from me and never came or answered his phone

word, i know what you mean. still i figured i’d join in on the gangbang :cjerk:

A few weeks ago he wanted to buy an FMU from me. He lowballs me then we get set on a price. I tell him I live in OP and tells me he doesn’t want to drive here because the weather is too shitty. Um, hi we live in Buffalo. He then wants to meet at Eastern Hills and I told him it would be a pain for me to get out there. This goes on for a few days, then he asks me for my address so he can mapquest it and come to my apt. Then that was the end of that. I would call him and he would PM me, then keep telling me hes too busy at work and the weather is way to bad to drive.

Whenever I buy something, I ALWAYS know that I need to go and get the part, or if someone meets up I’ll usually toss them a few extra bucks.

For the majority of the time I sell things, I won’t meet halfway unless I know the buyer is at least a halfway decent person.

JAM, i had torqueSS run the carfax and the mileage u stated did not add up. You said there was 47k and the carfax has been recording over 100k since 2005 so i decided not to buy it.

Umm, didn’t it state right in the ad why the mileage was off on the title? I’ve seen the car, trust me, it’s true mileage.

There are mix ups sometimes with the car fax.

I just bought a 2005 ford escape with 89k miles and the carfax said 189k.

Come to find out when the dealer bought the car from the auction he registered it and somehow a one got added in there.

So after a few hours of tracing and making some calls it was handled and the speedo was checked to make sure it was not rolled back.

Everything turned out fine and the 89k miles was correct.

Sorry if that didnt make sense i am swarmed with phone calls and trying to let you know carfx is not always right do to the dmv and previous owners.

so your trying to claim that this car shown below has well over 100k miles on it ?

I would say it possibly could. Ihave seen some newer cars with 170k miles.

But that would be one clean 100k mile car.

yes, its totaly possible to rack up that many miles in that amount of time, but one look at this car clearly shows that the odometer is muuuuch more likely to be correct then the title

I won’t sell you a car if thats how you do business. It’s disrespectful, period.

EDIT: The sad part is that until you said that I was giving you the benefit of the doubt because we have never had any issues and I thought you were a good guy.

Guys to help out here Carfax and Autocheck are great tools and show alot of good info but they only report what is given to the DMV. Human error happens and there’s nothing anyone can do. 99.9% of the time they are correct but nothing is perfect.

thats is correct. I use autocheck all the time.

even if the carfax is wrong, its still going to turn away future buyers

I absolutely agree. The idea that “if its written on paper, its true” is very hard to overcome

and jam got a fixed title for it, so the papers for the car are all in order …

people like carfax reports that look nice.

15 out of 18 respondents had a bad experience with him, several having had multiple bad experiences. 3sny can no longer view the classifieds forums.

Bump. I apologize for those he fucked around since this time last year when I should have given him his walking papers but gave him a second chance instead.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and you get permabanned. Adios 3sny!