Tranny line

I was just wondering if anyone can give me an estimate as to how much it would be to get a tranny line replaced on a '95 pontiac grand prix, and possibly refer me to somebody. Any help would be appreciated.

Do it yourself. It is not typically too difficult. The grand prix doesn’t have a ton of room to work, but you can have it done in under an hour with complications. If you want the easy road since it is an old car, just patch it with a rubber hose and two clamps.

this will work. it most likely broke where it’s clamped to the core support correct? if it’s not repairable it’s not a very hard job to do the line itself. both lines go to the same area on the transmission , as well as both running to the same side of the radiator. Hardest part of the job is the clips on the radiator.

:word:his leak isnt by the tranny, its right by the radiator, it looks like it corroded right in the middle of the pipe in between both sides where it connects to the radiator.

if it is corroded at the connection he will unfortunately have to replace the line. Not too hard. As a tip, make sure that you don’t torque too much on the connector at the radiator, it is possible to crack it!

You have a PM :slight_smile:

Not too bad, I did this in my Tbird a few years back.

A tube bender from harbor freight, and a double flare tool worked great for me.

And there is the final solution!

thanks guys.

X’s 2 i was gonna refer him to don if he didnt see this thread. :tup: