just saw the movie, and I absolutely loved it.
I didn’t watch the cartoon as religiously as some of you, so I didn’t notice any of the changes until I read about them, but you know what, it was still a great movie and was a lot of fun to watch.
The comic relief from “Sam” I think was a nice touch, kind relieved some of the seriousness. Although the part where they are hiding from his parents was really long and stupid.
overall, i’m saying 9.5/10 on this one.
AND HOLY FUCK WAS THAT GIRL HOT!!! I want to marry that, seriously.
:word: I can’t remember the show that great because it was when I was a child but I noticed some of the differences. I still thaught it was an amazing movie though. Special effects were awsome. I thaught the scene at the house was somewhat lame, but kinda funny when the one walked into the power lines and was like “woh…you gotta try that”.
Oh, and Megan Fox is definatly AMAZING gorgeous!!!