Truck School

I am currently looking into attending a truck driving school to get my CDL A. I was wondering if any of you had any experiences with this.

captn chas little brother went for like 3 weeks i think, he had like 5 job offers before he finished we works for faub(sp) distributing now

ask JimmaY,he just did it!

I’d Suggest taking the 6 month class 480hrs. It’s something like $8100
you can qualify for pell grants and other loans. Instead of the 3 week course $4900 out of pocket expense.some companies will send you to the 3 week course no expense to you.

Recruiters come in weekly and spill thier tactics.

thiers 9 & 10 speed Conventionals and Cab Overs and day cabs
mainly just use 53’ dry vans

Class hours

Morning 830-???
evening 630pm - 11:30pm
Monday - Thursday

weekends is 10 hours each saturday and sunday :nuts:

Youd have to hate trucking to not get a job afterwards.
Also on site CDL test. much easier than goin down the dmv and using trucks yer not accustomed too.

Frank Fuher ???

I appericiate the information and i have heard that allstate is an excellent school. My current problem is if i have to pay for school then i cant get a car. In which case PIA is the only truck school within reach by bus for me. have you heard anything good or bad about PIA? But i have heard that pell grants are plentiful for those who qualify. i will give allstate a call and see what they have to offer. I appericiate the info you have given me.

yes, it seems as though lesson one is showing my picture and telling the trainees to honk. bastards

All-state prepares you for Over The Road / Regional driving.
they figure if you can take on the open road, you would be ready to handle Local Jobs in a year or so if you want it. I don’t know the gameplan PIA uses. Make sure thier an accredited school and also ask a TON of questions. Ask if they have recruiters come in, How big is the class, how long will you be in the classroom, How long will you be on the range. How old is the equipment. Can you take the CDL examine on Site ETC…

yea thats it

Thanks alot guys I really appericiate all the help and your willingness to share your knowledge.

It was the dark of the moon on the sixth of June
In a Kenworth pullin logs
Cab over Pete with a reefer on
And a JimmAY haulin hogs
We’s headed for bear on eye-one-oh
About a mile outta Shakeytown
I says Pigpen, this here’s the Rubber Duck
And I’m about to put the hammer down


saw the movie :boink

my pap was a teamster for 30 some years, owned two trucks, raised 3 kids, and retired a well to do man. buys a new(used) lincoln every other year and wears a rolex… he used to keep the reciept in his wallet when the other old farts at mcdonalds (at like 7AM) in the morning called bullshit :rofl: :bigthumb:

also heres some stuff you’ll be required to know

dont tell anyone you went to truck driving school… lol some of the best things i have learned driving truck i didnt learn in school.

1 if your not sleeping with your wife someone will be.
2 if you buy something out of the back of some elses truck it might be cheap but it gets real expensive when you pay and their buddy around the corner takes your wallet.
3 just say no to the truck stop whores.
4 the tough guys on the c.b are usually 5ft tall and wont pull over to fight you . your a dumb ass for pulling over and waiting to fight someone who is 3 miles ahead of you and didnt stop when you did.
5 just because you drive a truck your not a cowboy so the cowboy hat and boots and i luv country music plate on the front bumper are not needed.

they dont teach you this shit in trucker school. allstate is a good school i went there a few years back .dont tell anyone…

CB warriors :rofl: Yesterday coming through columbus, 1 guy was yapping about hes gonna remove the dudes throat and piss in his ear. I guess they where infront of me and lost the rest of the conversation.

How long you been at cavanaugh?

Did either of you guys go through career links for financial aid?

I didn’t. My previous employer paid for it.

All state is ASC certified can and will give you the funding to go.

im not there anymore… i drive for mikel trucking in west newton now. i actually didnt quit because they were bad to work for but because my wife works and i have a 7 yr old girl and a 1yr old boy so i want to stay home a little more. i left on good terms so i can go back whenever.