I meant car stuff, I don’t drink enough to justify getting a keg. :sad
ohh oops… in that case NO ;D
Beer, food, and fire… sounds like a good time to me.
Awesome! HTA 35R time? :ohnoes
I think he’s just going to do a green or something of the sort…but he’ll have to chime in.
^ yes
how soon?
ugh… not soon enough.
got the guy working on my bathroom these next couple weeks, which sucks. I think I may start ordering a part every week or two (02 housing, injectors, fpgreen, install kit) so I don’t overwhelm myself.
Tell some hippie you modified your car so that it went green, and then watch them faint when you pop the hood. :tong
(Assuming this hippie knows anything about cars… nevermind.)
what hippie knows anything about cars, except ones that run on veggy oil?
Hence the second part of my post. And me realizing that the joke doesn’t work at all. :lol
let me know before you order anything…i’ll see what kind of prices i can get you through my (Seth’s) account:)
PMed! :nod
Just curious, but why not a red? The green is $1700 and the red is only $100 more. Imo they need to drop the price of the greens now. I know the spool up on a green is going to be a bit better, and the red is relatively new, but people are claiming full boost on the red by 3800-4000 rpm. That’s only about 400-500 rpm difference from the 20g, I believe. Other than the slightly more lag, the only downside to ordering a red right now is the wait time. FP told me 6-8 weeks and possibly up to 12. I sourced mine from Buschur’s only because Nick originally told me they would have it in in about 2 weeks. Haha, it’s been 5 weeks now and still waiting.
If your getting an O2 housing? EvoPowerMods? Oh man your gonna love it if so. :mwahaha
def getting that same 02 housing as you. Already talked to Adam and got his approval.
I’ve had this list of mods that I wanted to get for awhile so I kinda stopped looking at other options. F me.
I’m up for suggestions
Awesome! I can’t remember, but don’t you run meth? If not than I guess the green would be the way to go. I don’t think you’ll get the most out of a red on pump. If you run meth, than I see little incentive to getting the green over a red. Early reports show it performing in between the 30r and 35r range.
no meth for me. I’m BPU + cams
Ahh ok. Well hopefully the red drives the price down on the green by the time you are ready to order it. I haven’t been keeping up on the red the past few weeks, but I know that it’s starting to finally get out there and numbers should be pouring in already, or soon. Keep an eye on how it performs on pump gas. It might still be better than the green, and for $100 more, would be the better choice.
I will def look into it. Sounds like a good idea from what you’re saying.
Evo’s like Meth :nod
good luck with that SP fail safe… hopefully yours works. ive seen 3 of them fail to work.