Tuner beginner's..a guide

Man, put in a little humor and POW, you get e-smacked! shit son even my tired ass '86 can still do 120!

I heard there was some tuning going on in here?

Not yet. Just a guide to show us how to do it so we do it right the first time. :greddy:

This is heading to the archives peeps… get your last posts in soon.

in b4 the lock

lol :blue:

noob faggots are ftl/ftw

Wow … All I can say is wow :rofl:

This is one of the main reasons I hate driving a honda.

I hate the word “tuner”.

same here. I get the douche chills every time I hear it.

wow old…





Shouldn’t it be 2nr?

What good is a archive quility thread without:

i just signed up for

ahahahahahaha :bowrofl: