that, or figure out the wastegate spring rate and put a different one on there. they all work the same.
Could modify your exhaust manifold for an external wastegate!
try just using self tapping screws and putting them through it.
I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter if that side of the waste gate is sealed properly since it just houses the spring.
have someone weld up the holes, and then redrill them.
I wouldnt weld them without taking it apart, you would probably melt the diaphragm.
Self tappers would work if they could hold strong enough against the vibrations. It might be best (if it can be taken apart, which I doubt) to open it up and put a bolt through those holes from the inside
Yea it doesn’t come apart, unfortunately. I drilled new holes right next to the old ones and I’m going to rivet it back on.
Should be just fine.
Where did you call that they said you’d have to buy the whole turbo???
Milton Cat
That’s really surprising. But, a couple of the guys at the parts counter are real idiots, maybe someone didn’t feel like looking up the part and just told you that you need to buy the whole thing. I always deal with Doug, never had a problem. I’m not sure about the 3054, but a lot of small “Cat” engines are actually built by Perkins. That might be another avenue worth exploring if you need stuff in the future.
You drilled new holes in that??? I hope you were real careful, if you bottomed out that drill-bit you can kiss that actuator goodbye. You should have just tacked it on with a welder.
I was, I used a drill press very carefully. I ran it today and it was fine
If you want to be really sure, with the engine at “idle”, move the compressor control to high. When the engine loads, you’ll hear the turbo spool up. As load increases so will the boost pressure. At some point, you should see the actuator start to move.
This isn’t 100% foolproof however. There is a chance that the compressor might not be able to load the engine enough to build enough boost to open the wastegate. A boost gauge would be the only way to tell for sure.
Yeah, there is a rubber diaphragm in there. as long as you were carefull you should be OK.