TV shopping - need help!

I’ve got a regular TV. I don’t use it that much.

I played Nintendo when I was a kid.

will u post pics of ur ex already. jesus!

Already did, and I requested that the thread get deleted shortly after.

i missed them??? ahhhhhh man!

Everyone thought she was cute too!

pics to my email naow!

Can you view them at work? I’ll send them if I get a review!

yea attach to an email and i can see them.

Here, try this to find a decent TV:


Is this a PJB impression?

What are your guys thoughts on any of these?,j25801,j25401,mm01,p01&j25801=29161&j25401=29207&p01=999

Stick with Sharp or Sony Bravia…

Yea that Sony Bravia is looking pretty damn good…

Well now that I have had this Sharp a few days, I like it alot. The picture is great, and I have managed to get the sound to the point where its acceptable. It just has like a tinny or slightly hollow sound. I brought the high end of the EQ way down, and its alot better. But given the funds, I would get a Sony, but thats me.

Transformers Bluray + HDTV + Surround Sound = AWESOME

Also, having retarded neighbors that cant hear = Priceless!

we have 2 Sony Bravias a 32" and a 46" and love them!

haha nice… yea a BluRay player will be coming soon after the TV purchase I’m sure.

Nice… how’s the sound on them?

no idea we have a full surround sound setup…

Luckyyy! :smiley:
Well if you get a chance, try just the TV speakers and let me know what you think.

Actually now that I think about it the one in the bedroom we just use the TV speakers… sounds good…