UBRF Track Day

hot lap times for money same idea as auto-x

It can’t be the same as auto X, because there is a lot more room for “stupidity” on a race track. Auto-x is pretty strictly controlled.

Unless all of you have transponders, there will be no “hot lap times”, just a lot of shit-talking. Hell most won’t even shell out for a helmet :roll:

This did start out as a good idea, but it is slowly starting to roll backwards.

hot laps has always been part of the plan…this isn’t a follow the leader day, it’s a go out, push the car, do it safely, have fun day. Sending out 5 car groups on a 3KM course for hot laps fits into all of that pretty well.

Again, the three of us or two of us or whatever need to sit down and figure this all out…Friday at 5pm work?

Yes comparing lap times with a stop watch is doable…

BUT there is a lot to be learned before. Putting the competive pressure on first thing will only lead to bad things. A structured run system at the begining of the day and go out for times the last hour is doable and more importantly safe(ish).

yeah obvously it’s not going to happen @ 9am when we first get there…friday @ 5 works…we’ll just have to meet @ a bar


did u decide on anything interms of Convertables and saftey gear for them

Convertables will be required to run a safety bar, roll bar, hoop, what have you…

open wheel racing? who has an open wheel car on here? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think RKrause does… lol, its an open wheel’d dragster.

ok ill pass the info to my brother

Safety Info:

is anyone planning on spending the thursday overnite or driving up all together in the morning…???

My plan is to leave around 5:30 am. I’d go up the night before if someone was getting a room, but I’d just sleep in my van. I may consider checking out a campsite or something too.

I was really excited about doing this when I first saw the thread…but after reading some of the responses, I don’t know if I want to risk being on the same course as some people.

i figure its only a 1 1/2 ride so driving up that morning shouldnt be bad…ill sleep in ur van :snky:

Did you read the safety info?
Hopefully if I repeat it enough times it will get through to someone.

Are there any more requirements that you would like to see, or is it “just some people”…

I am not speaking of anyone specific - but all it takes is one guy to be an asshat just once for my car to get totalled (I know, that guy just might be me). Between the entry fee, the location, safety and timeframe - I hope that should weed anyone out of the mix that might be more prone to have a “temporary lapse of judgement”. There is probably more risk driving on the thruway…

So if we pay the price quoted and it turns out to be less, do we get a refund?

^^^ i can tell you now that i know most of the people going…and believe me…they’re not going to be asshats…

if anybody shows any hint of driving like an asshole…i’m sure some sort of action will taken…

i really wouldn’t worry about it that much

As you can see from the proposed schedual people should be able to get with the program. The first 15 minutes session “Aquaintence Laps” is designed to get people oriented on the course, pay attention to the mirrors, practice passing signals, and just get a clue. It should be done at 6 - 7 tenths.

We will then have a 15 minute meeting to help out thoose with problems and then go out for the second 20 minutes session “Picking up the pace”.

After that everyone should know what is going on and we can get into the day.


If you would have READ the Safety Discussion:
you would know that they will be kicked out via track security, no questions asked.