ugh.. cops....

I remember learning about it somewhere…

I produced identification on my court date, but I STILL got a fine. hmmm

who cares?

edit- who cares, was to why this thread was started

It doesn’t but the law says you need to have it on you while operating a motorcycle…

go figure

lol. obv you didn’t learn it if you can’t remember it.

even IF it is your constitutional right to not produce your identification, you should have been prepared for the ramifications of your actions.

you dolt.

It’s obvisouly stated that when you are DRIVING… you must have a DRIVERS LICENSE. Not an ID. LICENSE.

he thinks hes better than everyone becuase he isn’t complaining about cops and thinks hes man enough to say hes paying for his stupidity. we will just let him think that and move along.

I got pulled over the other day.(see speeding) Cop asked me if I was in a hurry. I said yes. No ticket. WIN!

PS-He isnt trying to say he is better he is trying to say he is fucking smart enough to realize it is not the cops fault he was speeding like a silly goose and got a ticket.

Mr. Clean is cooler than 90% of the people on this site which probably includes you as well.

I think he was just telling a funny story. He was in such a hurry that he didn’t wind up getting anywhere. See: Irony.





Judges are for pleaing, not the cops.