
your damn right you will

if i do go it’s only because of steve!

you don’t need me at all.

BAsically saying stop being a bitch and ebrake/ clutch kick that bitch :slight_smile:

i still need to come out… :frowning:

you can not call out steve for being a bitch, ebraking/clutch kicking from your recliner does not count




Yo rammyrod I’ll give you a call tomorrow to discuss this weekends plans.

my car should be done tonight! i say we meet up and talk weds or thurs.

Either day is good for me!!

ok cool, now we just need rod rammer to give us his info and we can meet.

+1 clutch kicking your recliner does not count!

Let me know which day because I need to schedule an inspection this week.

I am available whenever you boys want me :wink:

except maybe not thursday

ok lets make it Wednesday than.

ok so what time? 7-8ish?

whatever rammy rod wants

how about 8

deal, where?

sounds good. damn! we need to figure this shit out. tailgators!