Unusual Vibrations

im getting pretty bad vibrations when accelerating around 1000rpm and the car isn’t pulling as hard as it used to. even at a stop and i try revving it a bit, it starts to vibrate pretty hard. while driving and switching gears, i can still feel it vibrate and it makes a deep droning sound even if im doing 80kmh in 5th. all this happened today and i can’t really figure out the possibilities that can be causing this problem. any help, suggestions and opinions are appreciated.

details: its a 92 hatch, 178 *** kms, manual, all original, no aftermarket parts other then suspension

plugs wires cap and rotor by the sounds of it

check your motor mounts, tranny mount, and driveshaft id think…
or above, your timing might be off, or possibly one plug isnt firing.

sounds like my car when i blow off intercooler piping lol.

(this happens to me 6 times a day -_-)

droning @ 80kph sounds like it might be your engine and/or tranny mounts. when you start your car, take a look at how much your engine shakes. also, if you’re not getting much steering wheel vibration (check for this in the 80 - 130 kph range), it could just be your tranny mounts.

Some sort of mis fire… most likely ignition related.

Motor mounts don’t cause issues under consistant load.