URGENT: Insurance problem inside. Need new agent that covers turbo cars

wtf double post nvm

What did you expect to happen?

Kid who turbo charges an econobox…you realize the risk group that puts you in???

For once I actually agree.

You gotta think too, if you did cover your mods an smash up your car and you claim them. You will be paying out the ass in the future on insurance after that. You really need to figure out if its worth it or not in the long run.

Ya you might be out the 3k for parts and stuff but if you do claim then, you can look forward to a steep increase in your premiums.

whats the difference of who turbocharges an econobox? im out of the risk ppol be 23 in january. I have NO record…as in completely scott clean. good student discount, 3 defensive driving classes. I see no reason for them to suspect I am a shitty driver or a risk


Why don’t you look at this from the perspective of an insurance company 99% of their drivers use their vehicles to get from point A to point B…and are happily insured my the insurance company…

You adding a turbo to your car does not make it any safer and only increases the risk factors…Fire related to whatever mods you added…risks related to adding more power to car…you possible street racing your modded car…and a number of other things…

You have a street car…What logical explanation would you come up with to tell the insurance company why you feel the need add another 80-100whp? :lol:

Other than the fact that the stats put you right in the box with your typical late teen early 20’s white male who turbocharges a civic, focus, etc.

You should just buy this instead:

http://nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58549 :mamoru:

Honestly though, mods are not usually worth mentioning.

fuck that i have to pay like 1600 for one car for a year, and i have a good driving record

People are missing the point.

Certain insurance premiums are set up with odd hot-buttons that rarely make sense but are probably rooted in some solid statistics. Not insuring “turbo” cars or charing very high premiums is very common, no different than a V8. Try insuring a street bike, they are equally retarded.

this is more what i was getting at. I would understand if they raised my premium, actually was expecting them too…but instead they were like “were just gonna go ahead and cancel your policy”

dude, times are tough all around. recession is causing businesses of all sorts to review and limit their risk and liability. less credit, fewer loans, less insurance. insurance is a business.

you = young + turbo = risk


I have had them for years, they have taken car of everything on the S4 every time something happened, and they never questioned the modified parts. I hate deer by the way, lol. Go there and get a quote at least.


naga good.

if your over 25 you can get agreed value coverage from grundy for like 500 a year for 20k of coverage, u just need a de

Maybe later you can call the police and try to score some drugs?

esurance quoted me $2200/yr!

the closest i have found so far is allstate at $604 for 6months. this sucks. I may end up being forced to part out and sell the focus simply because I cannot insure it…
