Use Less Oil

Oh man that shit sold i spent pretty much a whole shift stockin that shiznax.

But ya i guess 10w-30 would be cool in the winter just that you will have to warm your engine up for a bit longer to get proper lube in the colder temps.

well i bought 2 10w-30 and 4 5w-30… made sure it was enough for at least 2 oil changes for 3 different cars

i walk into cdn tire car section like a fat kid walks into a bakery :lol:

anybody got oppinions on that quakerstate winter oil?

is it worth spening the extra $1/lL over ‘normal’ stuff?

FYI: Castrol Syntec came out with a new winter oil too its 0w-30?

Any comments?

Why not just pour molasis in your car in the winter :?

Hows that black guy doing behind you?