valentine's day?

Both :slight_smile:

go there or frederick’s and just tell them what you’re doing. don’t lurk around in there, i feel real uncomfortable when old dudes are just standing in the middle of the store staring.

exactly my point

ill try that

then listen to psngrseatsr4boys

actually if u just talk to one the girls working they are very helpful too

Sometimes I feel that way, sometimes I don’t.

Are two dudes going into VS to buy shit twice as creepy, or is it less creepy?

Although if they are hunched over in the darkest corner of the store, jerking off with a pair of panties in their hands like a little troll, I guess that’d be pretty bad no matter what.


Don’t be pussies. Just walk in and start looking around. If you are not having any luck, just ask a girl working. Not that hard.

Once you go into VS or Fredericks once by yourself shopping for your GF/wife, it gets a lot less “creepy” per say; I’m just like whatever now. I get dragged in there all the time by the GF; so going in alone when I already know her size and exactly what she likes/wants makes it easy.

And doing it this time of year and christmas time is the “easiest”; I mean the people who work there are used to it seeing all the guys are buying their girls stuff.

Yeah, but when you go in wearing 80’s style sweatpants, it’s hard to hide a raging boner. AND THAT IS WHAT’S EMBARRESSING

it would give new meaning to “out like a boner in sweatpants”. Especially when theyre covered in semen.

what is wrong with you :lol:


worst part… this has happened to adam many times

ok, so i’ll suck it up and go. Now answer me this, how much does all that shit cost?

Wait…so it’s creepy to try to pick up girls in VS?

fuck no, come with me. you can slay hoes in the dressing room.

NYSpeed meet at VS.


  1. must wear sweatpants
  2. no girls
  3. must be capable of appearing ‘creepy.’


i think maybe ill just do this online and pay for fast shipping, that way i dont get kicked out

Get her something from or

just another HH to spend $