valentine's day?

I fucking LOL’d at that.

I’ve done some corny shit for girls over the years, some has worked out alright, other times it wasn’t worth it. This year I’m single so I’m going to wash and detail my car :tup:

bitch gets roses and thats it!

and i just lol’d at fuzzy’s chop


I want to spend my Vday with Drew. :cry:

And boardjnky: I wasn’t really referring to you, I got confused with copperlegends post and what not.

thanks for the complement newman.

Just buy her a vacuum and tell her to shut the fuck up.

I’m takin Jill out for a wild night, should be interesting

who the fuck is Jill?


first time ive been single on valentines in 7 years…

man, i fail big time

sure do… not as much as the gf though… seriously get her a vacuum and tell her to start going at it… if she stops beat her til she resumes vacuuming

Nothing the day of. Taking her out to dinner on friday to celebrate. That is all.

should i get her anything? its my birthday. she’s prob going to have to get me something good.

i’ll just get her flowers or some shit

a beej sounds good


more than likely I will continue to procrastinate until the day of, and then I will prob make some horrible attempt at cooking her a nice dinner and buy her flower and the whole 9 yards. Going out for dinner day of is such a waste, everywhere is so crowded. I’d rather just stay home and cook (or try to).

ill 2nd this

No significant other, no care really. Adding the money to my track day fund, or maybe buy myself some new wiper blades and/or something else I need. Dunno.

You dont even own an xbox psphinxliar!

I’m doing nothing, single stallion ftw!

Louis CK baby… oh and a court date.

That bitch. She told me her name was “handgela”