verizon wireless customer service ftl.

I will never do business again with Verizon as long as I live. Their phones are a year behind the competition, their over priced, customer service treats you like shit, the plans are way to much. I would rather deal with my
t-mobile phone not having service every now and then. Then deal with Verizons crap service. It’s not even worth the hassle. Big deal you verizon phone works the best out of all. I guess that gives verizon the right to treat their customers like shit.

End of rant* I just hate them so much.

T Mobile blows. I mean they’re great as long as you don’t try to make a phone call, but if you actually want to use your phone to talk they blow.

I guess it depends where you are. I have to say at my shop t-mobile is the only carrier to work in the store.
And to be honest the only place I go that my phone does not have service is Kissing Bridge. And like I really want to be bothered there with phone calls anyways. But it must be reassuring to know that your CDMA phone is only good in N.America. If you plan on going over seas and want to borrow a phone from verizon, wait until you see what they want to charge you LOL* Better go take a loan out.
Again fuck Verizon the Nazis of cell phone service.

My friend has t mobile and I always have to call him back because his phone always drops calls. T mobile is like the ghetto version of a cell phone carrier. You should drive this if you have t mobile.

Word, there is almost zero competition. They can do whatever they want cause people don’t have much choice.

all my experiences with cingular CS have been fantastic. 6 free phones without insurance and without signing any new contracts. Kickass

Thats hot! Where can I get one?

unethical sales rep, and a corperation covering for him

when i called to try to sort it out, the first rep couldnt find a copy of the latest contract, then he called over a supervisor who instantly found it, instantly cross referenced it with one of my previous contracts, and told me that my 2 signatures matched perfectly

he claimed my entire last name was spelled out … which ISNT something i do. my signature is always missing the 3 of the middle 5 letters

that makes for one liar in the store, and one liar at the main office

Did you ask them to send you a copy?


and i do mean 5 times … i remember because every time they said they would, i would respond with “well you said you would do the same the last XXX times i talked to you”

I highly recommend Jeff. He hooked me up when I needed my Treo activated and contacts swapped.

maybe you should try a ethical rep? :shrug: an indirect? :shrug:

seriously none of you guys are telling me anything new. i hear about it all the time, and im surpsied at it as well. only thing u can do is find someone who knows what they are talking about and cares more about repeat customers than short term gains.

o wait… :wave:

edit: also, to talk about vzw being a year behind is far from true nowadays. take a look at the current lineup and whats coming out in a month.

vzw’s (major) polices are no different than any other major carrier. you sign a contract for service, not for hardware. your phone breaks within that contract, thats up to you to take care of. thats the same as with ANY OTHER CARRIER. (warranty replacements are a different story). dont expect the phone that you just send into a puddle to still be under warranty. its not VZW’s warranty, its the MANUFACTURER. vzw just happens to be one of the only carrier that has in house tech’s (yes i know it doesnt help that most of the techs dont know their elbow from the ass). VZW is also the only one with any sort of New every 2 discount, everyone else (afaik) just gives you new customer pricing, and sometimes less (sprint anyone?)

sales reps at direct stores are under so much pressure to hit numbers its no wonder they dont care about you if you need something other than a new 5 line 3000 min plan with 20 acc.

i could be making at least $15k more a year at a direct store, but i like the enviroment and the attitude and relaxed atmospher of the inderect better. and hey guess what i can do EVERYTHING they can, only ive been doing it longer than most.

those that have sprint, try taking your broken phone after 13 months to a sprint store to get a new one, or even one at new customer pricing. it WONT happen. hell, you cingular folk try doing the same.

the ONLY reason you get your phone for free or for $50 is because of that contract. 2 years gets you more off than one year. next time you are at a store take a look at the retail price of the handset. (again warranty replacements are a diff story). we buy those phones for damn near the retail price.

my point is, VZW doesnt have any crazy out of wack policies that any of the other companies dont also have. and with free backup assistant, minute check, early upgrades and NE2, plus a top notch customer service PHONE department (read: not in retail locations) i think they are doing pretty well.

yea, i know. when i get a cell phone ill be comin to you to get my new plan. can u activate an old phone (lg 6100) on a 1 year plan ?

They must have come a long way in the year and a half since I’ve had them. I used to basically never be able to use my phone indoors at UB north, my job in Amherst, my apartment in West Seneca… Although yeah since I switched I was out of country a bunch of times wishing I had T Mobile again. That and T Mobile’s customer service was always second to none when I had them. It just all came back to wanting to make phone calls with my phone so I switched.

verizon customer service is terrible!

I’ll make cliffnotes for our case:

–Business acct
–Won’t do anything for us because business name was on account not a persons name
–We provide federal tax id # and they tell us they can’t do anything about that
–We want to change the name on the acct (we are the account holder since we own the business) but they tell us only person can do that is the business name (aka tax id)
–We again provide tax id # because we are the account holders
–They turned off our service (no violated rules or late bills/backed payments on our behalf) so they breach contract on a business account
–We file law suit for services lost due to time the accounts were off for.
–Verizon settles instantly out of court and we got 2 free years of service for 5 phones and land line (which we dont use since we have digital with twc).

It was nice that they realized they screwed us, and hurt our business but it was still bs because the account holder on a business account is the tax id # and they always gave us bs crap.

We found ourselves repeating:
is this a business account?
–of course it is sir. then
who is the name on the account?
—xxxx business.
Ok and how do you change anything on the account?
—xxx business must change it.
Ok well thats me, I am the business owner and have my tax id for referrence.
—Ok sir i see you are on the account but unfortunately only xxx business can change any info…

it was the damn dumbest thing i ever heard.

also dont get me started on TMOBILE’s heckling at the mall, I dunno if they are told to stop you everytime and say “hey change over from whatever service to tmobile… blah blah” but it gets really annoying, but thats another rant itself.

Yeah, that’s obnoxious.

“Excuse me sir, do you have a minute to discuss cell phones?”
“No thanks. I’ve already got a T-Mobile cell phone, see?”
“That’s OK, why don’t you step over here and”
“Dude! I already have the product you’re selling!”

I’m gonna start being like " I currently work for TMOBILE, thanks anyways YOU GUYS KICK ASSSSSSSSSS!"

but seriously, its so annoying and i think sometime im gonna file harrassment charges and tell the cops they tried to touch me in naughty places

yep, if u want to. pretty easy process

That’s funny as hell considering we’re in a thread where people have brought up Cingular, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. They are all competitors. :bloated: