verizon wireless customer service ftl.

So much misinformation in this thread. I’ve had Verizon for a year now and with the exception of the higher costs of the plans, I could not be happier.

First off, Verizon has THE BEST Data network for this area of the country PERIOD. It’s a 3G CDMA2000 network. Sprint is second but only because they are barrowing Verizon’s towers and bandwidth. WCDMA is what Cingular and T-Mobile are using for their data networks that are not up yet. WCDMA encompasses UMTS and HSDPA which in their own are comparable to EV-DO (pre-rev A) but they are not out yet and probably won’t be in this area for a while. The only area that GSM (2.5G wireless) is superior to CDMA2000 is the SIM card and more cell phone manufacturers support that standard than the Qualcomm standard. Nokia makes some kick-ass phone but since they do nothing (or at least very little) for the CDMA market, they give us shit.

Verizon has the best voice network as well for this area. I know Cingular technically has more subscribers but their power and strength exists in the midwest to western region where AT&T Wireless and Cingluar were strongest before the merger.

I have personally called Verizon customer support and ALWAYS was treated with respect, courtesy and kindness. Everyone was extremely polite and helpful. I’ve had no issues getting a broken phone returned, etc.

Here is a tip for you guys, if you get the “free” phone, what are you exactly expecting? It’s FREE which means it’s going to be a piece of shit in a year or even 6 months. If you want a phone that works and is reliable, then spend some fucking money and invest in a decent one. Morons.

“My free phone broke, gimme gimme gimme a new one because I deserve it!!”


$175 to get out of a Verizon contract was the best money i have ever sent, they are by far one of the worst companies
i have ever dealth with. Just talked my mother into changing too, i was sick of calling her and having her drop a call or hear nothing but static. Goping on 2 years with Tmobile with no problems. One problem actually, people who i send pictures to with verizon can’t get them and can’t send them to me, no problem sending or recieving form any other carrier.

Where do you make your calls that gets you a T-Mobile signal at all, much less a better signal than Verizon?

i have tmobile and i never have any problems with dropped calls or signal… hmm

The only place i havn’t gotten a signal was in West Virginia and a few hit or miss places here and there, the basement and ER at work, only part of Thundering Waters Golf course? dunno what that was about, and part of the reservation down by angola. When i had verizon didn’t get a signal more than 2 bars in Lackawanna, and thats where my mother still lives, she never had a good signal. In Tonawanda now and never have a problem with a signal.
Had a problem with a signal in the Gorge at Lechworth State park too.

i think u had a defective handset.

Yeah, Verizon is a problem with sending and receiving pics from other carriers. Why the hell is that? And I also have to say the same about calling people with Verizon numbers, at times it’s all static.

Also my friend who lives off Camp in Hamburg his Verizon phone did not work at his house and had to make the switch as well.

My mother had the same phone, she had it fixed and or replaced 3x, probably just a crappy phone to beging with, but i had the problem with 3 different types of phones.

Sounds like T-Mobile improved their network quite a bit since I was with them. :tup: That’s nice to hear. Good customer service, good handsets, good prices. They were always awesome in every way except cellular service.


I had Verizon since 1998 and then in 2002 switched to t-mobile. Had them for about 9 months when I got fed up with the shitty coverage. So I went back to Verizon. And was with them for about a year and half. I had the treo with 400 minutes for 39.95 unlimited web for 44.95 and text messaging for like 10.00 and a few other bull shit features. My bill was over $125 a month. And my phone was a piece of shit and kept freezing up once a day and required hard resets. Verizon was nothing but rude and gave me a run around about replacing my treo when it was 3 months old.
So I said screw it and paid the 175 termination fee and switched back to t-mobile. And the service is way better then just a few years ago. Not to mention when you don’t have t-mobile coverage you are on Cingular’s towers at no charge.
And I have very little problems if any. And if I do they are more then helpful resolving my issue. Not to mention my bill with them, 1000 minutes unlimited text and web is about $85 a month with tax. Not to mention every 6 months I can get a new phone if I want. So I’ll jeopardize no coverage every now and then for there service over Verizon’s outrages charges. Not to mention I can pop out my sim and use another phone, unlike verizon where they charge you to switch back a forth between phones. Also when I was just leaving Verizon they where charging minutes to call customer service. Is that still going on? If so that hilarious how money hungry they really are.

They never charged minutes to call customer service.

I dunno, my treo sucked, that’s why i got an xv6700, for free, after I had my treo for 6 months.

You have to know what you are talking when you call customer service, once every so often you get a good one, but for the most part, with ALL carriers, the majority of reps (sales/customer service/tech) all suck

and we have never charged ESN change fee’s or early upgrade fee’s at my store

What it comes down to is this. You (everyone on here) probably considers themselves pretty savy with diagnosing a cell phone problem. I would be willing to bet 90% of the time you are correct but the techs/cs agents do not believe you. Why? Because of the majority of people out there who don’t have a fucking clue as to what is wrong with their phone. It’s safter to treat each user like a child as opposed to taking their word for it. I find that once you put yourself in their shoes, it’s easier to deal with CS people.