Virtual border fence approved, virtual Mexicans unsure of future

hey if the companies wouldn’t hire then to get cheap labor they wouldn’t be coming here

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

I thought that the topic was that the government was responsible for illegal immigration and undocumented workers, and that the companies that employ them are absolved of any responsibility to police their workforce.

What do you feel the government did or did not do that makes them responsible for the global wage inequity?

It’s amazing how closed minded both of you (Joe and AWD) are.

There is no SINGLE solution to the immigration problem. You have to secure the border, you have to crack down on the employers, and you have to start at least making an effort to round up the illegals that are already here.

If you have a rodent problem in your home do you just pick up the extra food while leaving the access points wide open and ignoring the rodents already in your house? Or only work on securing the holes in your house? No, you clean up the food, you put down traps, and you close off the access points to your home. That deals with new rodents coming in and the ones that are already there.

No amount of cracking down on employers is going to catch all of them. There will always be some businesses where it’s very hard to enforce. You will also never 100% secure the border. And you’ll never round up every last one of the 20 million that are here. But you crack down on the employers, you make it so it isn’t an easy walk to get into the country, and when you see 30 Mexican’s sitting at Home Depot you pick them up and deport their asses. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

And thanks Newman, at least someone found the title funny. :slight_smile:

That is not the original topic but OK.
If I could type fast or had hours of free time I would post it all up here.
Wages are only the tip of the ice berg.
Earlier this week I was talking to a guy about Chinese imports and how I can’t compete with $.20/hour.
His response was, “they are now making $.50/hour”.
I was rolling on the floor laughing at him for quite a while.
Some day I will post the top 100 reasons the playing field is not level.

Did you even read my first post? You know where I said:

The majority of the immigration problem can be dealt with on the employer side.

I underlined the important word for you.

And PS you can’t arrest someone for “sitting at Home Depot”, b/c guess what, brown people aren’t the only people who are here illegally.

Look, low level and moderate level manufacturing isn’t America’s bread and butter anymore. We can stop some of the bleeding by closing tax loop holes to companies that ship jobs overseas. But the fact will remain, China is cheaper. If you don’t need American level quality control it’s not a good idea to make your product in America.

I liked it 2 years ago when all the illegals got together and protested out in Cali and big cities through out the south/mid west and the gov’t did jack shit about it. My theory was to round them all up, and if they can’t show proof in 48 hours they legally belong here, send there asses back forcefully.
Sucure borders
hit employers with fines/jail time
sent ones here back
they come back across illegally shoot the SOB

Apparently no one understands the legal requirements to actually arrest someone…

Border patrol has every right to ask them for ID.

:tup: to Boeing

i dont get the whole concept of “lets fence off PARTS of the border” thats not gonna stop them why won’t they just go to a part thats not fenced in??

oh, and i like the idea of the prison style fence with moats and alligators and huge gun turrets :tup: only exception to that is rather than if they make it they can stay, how about if they make it we give them a free t-shirt that says “i got through the US border” and then boot them back over to mexico

^haha. i think it’s a bit extreme but none of these people work legitamitly or they just leach off the welfare system. I’m not paying for someone who’s not even American, we have enough lazy bastards that leach off the system as it is.

Pirates of the Caribbean.

Its much more then just Jobs that are attracting Mexicans. Thats an incredibly simple outlook.
Its jobs, standard of living, educational opportunity, and a more technologically developed society. Its a lot of things.

The fence is necessary. Even if its partial it will be enough to funnel illegal immigrants through smaller “bottleneck” areas that are much easily monitored and controlled then hundreds of miles of empty space.