What car does Sean have now? or whats he getting?!
I’m taking a class with you next semester…I don’t care what it it but we will have some fun
Nah I get the clutch today and Mr. Delucia said he would volunteer his services since I helped him
some gay civic si :lol
well at least someone there will know what their doing… ;D
Coming from the guy that love’s talon’s so much he painted his mustang like one
Go put another cam in wrong…
huh??? :confused
A certain red foxbody
i like the look, but ya cant build a talon that fast/reliable…so i had to go with the stang… :lol
how was the cam installed wrong?? oh shit…it was backwards!! :lol
Lmao you bastard
lol, Adam you put a cam in wrong? Did you build my heads??? haha
Ha ha what ever ya say chief
Little inside joke
i didnt set up a cam wrong lol. and that is some of the funniest shit ive ever heard sully!!
Good times man
Ya real funny, lol. I could have blown my fresh bottom end.
prick, spreading rumors like that…lol. you shoulda seen the aftermath of a wrong cam install on Sloths car…that was fun getting that thing back together…
No it was funny