Wanna setup a KOTS comp for next year..

that def would have sucked…ok so it wasnt so funny :lol

Sean breaking vtec is funny!!!

Yo he knows what he is doing…you sneaked into the garage and changed it

Lmao the car has a hole in the block now don’t joke it’s a sad day in the honda community

Did you buy the Si, or you’re getting one?

mm hmmm…

I bought a different one but Adam’s reliving the good times from the ebp si


You would know all about blowing holes in naturally aspirated engines wouldnt you

:nod indeed watson! i think brett still has one of my “custom S beam rods” :crackup

Lmao good times

Go do your home work so we can get a beer later

not at 2:30AM it wasnt :lol

cant drink remember…

Just start drinking the hard shit. Thats what I’m doin, going to the gym, then drinking 12 beers is kinda nonproductive. I figure I can drink a few shots rather than a whole lot of beer… see what I’m sayin? lol :lol

oh i dont have a problem with that lol, its just the stuff im taking cant be mixed with alcohol, dont want any problems, health or freakout wise :lol

What are you taking tubalumpkins

wish i could say :lol :ninja

I for sure don’t want to see Adam raging on anyone… :ohnoes

Oh you are such a fucking tard