Whats pete going to beat us with the murdered out snowblower?
:crackup indeed
just have a seat.
the snowblower has a seat?? :lol
Yeh shits no joke
so pete…you gettin in on this or whats up??
ill be a first round elim for the heads up import bracket ;D
Maybe if there is a diesel class…
there’s a separate import bracket?
I’m trailering my whip there :rofl srsly :shifty
no…its all 1 comp… you want to be treated equal, ya race equal lol
oh, and ya gotta drive your car there…and back(ya know…the whole STREET thing ::))
fuck you, not in the rules…mines getting trailered.
well as i suggested we should do is. ladder it down import vs import to a finalist, and domestic vs domestic to a finalist. and then heads up import vs domestic in the final
That’d actually be a good idea.
Ohhh Adam with the quickness
I’ll park my truck and trailer around the corner and drive to the event then.