Wanna setup a KOTS comp for next year..

as someone i know once said, “I LOVEEE to race”

The way i see it is if i happen to come along something and the time and place is right, ill open up the taps, but i think this “king of the street” is asking for trouble. At least for me. I would prefer not to be on the cops hit list.

whoever said my car is fast? :lmao they dont call it the slobra for nuttin

are you on the cops hit list for all the roll racing you do?? if not then you wont be for this, not much different than a normal weekend, just a bit more organized and some cash involved…

Ohhhh cash money

doing highway pulls and doing dig races at the ext are two different things.

I dont understand how you guys are planning a sanctioned event that is going to take more then a hour said and done all in one location, and not have any clue of getting busted for it???

do this event at the track. On the street’s its just asking for trouble, and alot of bust’s and a head story on the local news stations.

its not a one night event. its spread out over the course of a few weeks. if youre scared, stay on the highway

theirs a difference between scared and stupid.

well, doing 60-150+ isnt any smarter. youll get in the same trouble.


its one or two races a weekend :confused…dont see a prob there…

There’s always the option of, if you’re scared don’t do it ::slight_smile: Why would you do a “KOTS” at the track?

I think its a great idea, now we can actually have races already setup and not just sit around all night waiting for something to happen.

whats KOTS?

you really are retarded.

King Of The Street. :umm :idiots

:nod thats the idea. the past few years have been kinda dead…time to re-kindle it. looks like pete will be the winner by a knockout though! :ohnoes

fail pete…just fail :lol

just as i was checking back on this thread it hit me… king of the streets lol.

shitty week for me i guess.
