Want to pass fake checks at Walmart ? DONT DO IT WHEN THERS 80 COPS IN TEH STORE!!

i wonder how this guy even remebers to breath …

That didn’t stop Calvin E. Fluckes Jr., 21, from pulling into the parking lot next to 40 marked squad cars, police said. He apparently was unfazed by the police presence as he tried to pay for merchandise with a poorly photocopied check for $847.83.

i dont believe it, seriously sense when is there fucking 40 cop cars and 80 cops in a store

wow, gotta love Americans…

Dozens of officers were at the suburban Detroit store Tuesday helping needy children pick out items as part of an annual “Shop with a Cop” charity event.


“Shop with a Cop” google search… seams to be a relativly popular idea


since since is spelled since

not to much common since being used LOL

  • karma points

people get desperate around the holidays, its sad as shit.

Thats probably why that bank got robbed.

Christmas puts the squeeze on alot of people.

some people just think they are smarter than the police.

and they are wrong 99% of the time.

^^ just like how 75% of the population beleives they are “above average” drivers

i had this girl telling me what a good driver she is, and she eventualy went on to explain how she uses her EMERGENCY BRAKE to control the car when she starts to spin out on ice or leaves

she also always uses her ebrake to slow the car while driving down hills …

but luckily her car is FWD, so apparently its FWEB also, lol



“tried to pay for merchandise with a poorly photocopied check for $847.83.”

i bet he was purchasing many non hooded sweatshirts and starter jackets…

Actually Every year Cheektowaga Police “The Entire fleet” go to Wal-Mart in the thruway plaza, With them parked outside is a Highway Dept dump truck, And every officer fills this dump truck with toys that they buy out of they’re own pockets. The one year we thought is was such a nice gesture that my wife and I even bought a few items and when they weren’t looking we threw them into the truck for them also! the toys go to kids that wont get anything if it wasn’t for these men and women and In some cases a few officers themselves act as Santa and take these toys to select kids.

hey if this guy had a half a brain he would be dangerous