Watervliet + Statie = How Bad?

listen if you such a hoss you wouldn’t be wining on here about this pussy ticket it’d be handled already or you’d have been on the news for doing something cool. GTFO. :poke

:lol…:dunno, when I grew up I guess.

I got chased by an off duty (but in uniform) cop in his personal car at 140+ on 890… got 100/55, reckless driving, unsafe lane change tickets… all dropped thanks to paying my lawyer $180

Okay guys, I get it lol. I’ll go with a lawyer :lol

good point :lol

apparently not speedy gonzales lol. Just kiddin

thats impressive.

i was doing 91 in a 30 on long island when i was in college. paid a lawyer $500 dollars (and this was like 10 years ago, but it was in southampton) and still got a ticket. better then a 91 in a 30 though.

Get a honda fit…

Seriously, if this car is one thing besides an econo box, its like stealth technology for cops.

I passed cops everyday on 87N on my way to work doing a little over 80 when you go over that hill just before exit 8, never once had one pull out… One day there was a guy in a BMW behind me trailing me both doing about 80, cop pulled out and yanked him even though I was leading :rofl:rofl

In my 300ZX, in my BMW, in my ranger, g20 ive gotten yanked there for doing less, like 70-75

Yeah…they definitely go after certain types of cars.

i believe it.

Oddly enough i was getting pulled over in much more when i was driving beaters. Have a feeling cops think they’ll find more then just a traffic stop if they pull over junkie cars. I guess i’m saying they profile them as drug users but i’m just pulling that out of my ass.

what i don’t get is when you see a cop and two cars pulled over on the side of the road. how does he get two cars two pull over? I always assume they are traveling to get there and one needs to follow the other to get to a desination.

I mean one of the cars must not have had the cop directly behind them, i don’t understand why they’d pull over.

Ill pay you $150 to have Alpine or Nick Alero represent you in court.

they pull up alongside and angrily point you over. theyll start blocking you in if you dont.

had one pull over 2 of the guys on an old APG cruise, tried to get me to pull over with them but I got lucky and he wanted them more.

Yup. When I got stopped in Catskill they pulled 2 of us over. First guy was behind me and he pulled over then pointed for me to follow suit.

Off topic.

Troopers don’t give a fuckkk about writing Other troopers or cops family tickets. I found out first hand. Just fucking tell me I’m going to get a ticket, don’t act like I’m not going to get one then hand me 2. Then have me get pissed the fuck off and start talking shit.

this thread just makes me happy i’m going to law school, if i can’t get a good job out of law school all just make all my money off people on shift thinking you need lawyers for speeding tickets.


Will you offer a get out of a ticket/fender rolling package deal?

really? Every trooper i’ve ever dealt with has let me off after letting them know my old man is a retired cop.

When I was going through some shit, and got fucked over on my BMW, I was driving unlicensed, uninspected, with an expired registration, no front plate

The cop should have and was supposed to pretty much arrest me and tow my car on site, he told me to get it fixed ASAP and to have my old man give him a call to confirm I wasnt BSing him or he would make sure he found me.

I’ve only had 1 trooper give me shit regardless of telling him my old man was a cop, needless to say my dad happend to know the judge and I guess he chewed the cops ass out :rofl

He is 100% correct, i had a ticket for 96 in a 55 in albany county went without a lawyer and the DA wanted to hang me by my Balls!!! Bitch said 500$ + 6 points and i had no points or tickets. I said no thanks went to trail brang a lawyer it was dropped to a parking ticket and 250$

Best bet get one now dude.


If I ever saw you doing 120 in a 35mph workzone I’d pit you right off the fucking road :Idiots



you dont need a lawyer if you dont care about points… but theres no way in hell a DA is reducing an 8 point violation to no points without a lawyer…