Watervliet + Statie = How Bad?

It’s not that you NEED a lawyer for speeding tickets, but to some people time is money and it’s worth the cost to just pay the lawyer and not have to worry with the hassle of dealing with the courts. On top of that, we all know the legal system, when talking about minor traffic infractions like this, is largely based on money and “who you know” and I guarantee any lawyer who takes the case knows way more people working in the courthouse than you ever will. Why take the chance when a lawyer will get you (pretty much) guaranteed results?

They say now, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you. So if you are employed with no dependents you get practically ignored.

I used to get a lawyer until I started realizing I could get the same reductions by fighting it myself. But things have changed again, the heavy hitter tickets can be a royal pain depending on the court/county. If I was in your shoes I’d use the lawyer.

My grandfather was a judge for many years and ended with a liftime appointment to a Federal Court. He told me to feed the lawyers…as judges were often once lawyers and its part of the network. He also admitted lawyers from his previously competing law firms did not always get the same outcome as lawyers from more friendly backround lawfirms. It is life as we all know it in many cases. Who ya now, who ya hire, and sometimes moods or luck.

In Troy you may want the Ginsberg Law firm (works close with city on may things) , In Nisky you may want Trachtenburg / Polk (former Nisky Justice) etc, etc.

Use logic when choosing an attorney, and trying your luck without one is, well, tking a chance on luck and your silver tongue and presentation / their mood.

Use common sence to get out of doing things you did while not using it.

I got yanked with another car driving next to me After i left waterfest this yr. cop pulls out of DD(obviously) throws party lights on the vw with orange wheels, the guy pulls over and the cop comes right up my ass and yanks me and basically tells the other driver to pull up behind me.
We did nothing wrong, he was just pissed off that a bunch of dubs invaded his town for the week and told us to get the fuck out and never come back

/strong jellies


Ilya’s response to the ticket.


If you’re going to continue to drive like a tard, maybe you should invest in a radar detector as well

get a lawyer, if you think the $300 is a waste wait till you see your points and your insurance increase


This thread is great lol.

I’m usually much more choosey where I speed (open road, particular sections of road, late at night). I didn’t check the exit ramp (where he was getting on) before I punched it to get around a couple cars so…shame on me for not paying attention. I’m usually much more aware of who’s around, etc. That’s why I didn’t argue with him or play stupid or say I was late for something. Totally my fault.

Damn it. :rofl

I got a fistful on tickets on 787 racing Tom aka 1stgen. This was in 2002, ah the good times.

What did you guys drive back then? :rofl

I’ve been pulled over before.


Got caught doing 88 in a 55 couple of years back. I got a lawyer. Saved myself 8 points, the driving school, and the higher insurance. Was totally worth the $400 I spent on him. Ticket was dropped to a $75 parking ticket.

I got a 92 in a 55 right by the slinger lands exit on 90 test driving my G35 when I had it. Ticket got thrown out tho cause the cop put 2008 instead of 2004

My 82 in a 55 was gonna be 6 points and a 500.00 fine. I got it reduced to 200 and 2 point traffic violation

