Watervliet + Statie = How Bad?

Let me guess you have never gone over the speed limit? :Idiots

Hmm…Pidar in Russian = Faggot. Interesting choice of screen name.


If multiple people have had good encounters with GPD, and you have had only bad, I’d say it’s more like you’re unlucky lol.

So, update:

  1. Lawyer 1 (Jeanne Heran) never got back to me but still mailed in the paperwork. WTF?
  2. Lawyer 2 (Bob Law) told me about #1 and I promptly called her and told her to get lost :lol. How you gonna start workin on a case without callin the person back over the course of a few days. We didn’t even agree on a price.

and finally:

  1. Trooper wrote the ticket for 81 in a 55 but wrote 91 in a 55 on the deposition. So, lawyer is going to attempt to start the process off with an 81 in a 55. I didn’t even realize this as I didn’t bother reading the supporting deposition.

If there’s discrepancies can’t it just get thrown out all together? Or is that an old wise tale?

Might be an old tale, but I think the lawyer would have told me that if he was going to go that route. He gets paid either way so I don’t see why he’d leave that information out.

Might only happen if the color of the car or the plate number is wrong or something.

oh… you are fucked, with or without a lawyer… good luck with watervliet… they fuck you in the ass hard!!!

BTW slow the fuck down… Only I can speed there!!!

I had a cop write me a ticket for a wrong bike (one I wasn’t riding at the time but both registrations are together) and still didn’t matter. I’m sure if it may have played a factor before the judge, but I got rid of them before it ever went that far.

You’re a cop right? :lol

Lawyer said he has a good relationship with the 'vliet DA. Based on a lot of peoples posts and what the lawyer said, in the court system, it depends on who you know, etc.

I think I’ll get off relatively well this time. Maybe not ‘next’ time :lol.

What’s your badge number (for future reference)? :lol


Lol that was good Vladimir. Took me 3 seconds.

1 second here

Officer Jenny?


Have fun with Bobby Law, he sounds like half the lawyer Heran is.

Virginity status check.

I don’t follow.

Chick started working on the case without 1) telling me how much it was going to cost and 2) notifying me. That’'s not professional in any sense of the word. How do you not have the communication skills to at least have your secretary call me back…after 3 calls. GTFO.

Law, on the other hand, has communicated with me as needed and professionally.

Also, when I called Heran, she made no mention of the discrepancy between the deposition (91 in a 55) and the ticket itself (81 in a 55). Law did.

Heran can go take a hike.

In my book: Law 1, Heran 0.

She just trolled you, which is hilarious.

Lay off the drugs dude.