We are living in exponential times.

i remember high school when some kids had cd burners and EVERYONE going to them to burn them “custom remix” cd’s for $10. these kids made $$$$$$$

i remember filling up and paying $1.15 a gallon/ about 10 bux a tank and just driving places for no reason, not thinking about gas money

lol no shit. used to do that all the time… bored? just drive around

not anymore

yea me and mindless uesd to burn threw 3 tanks of gas in my 5.0 in a friday night and not think anything of it…that was great… ah gas at 1.15…sometimes you could find a gas station that would mess up and 93 was same price

Bush Sr. ran in the primary against reagan in 79-80, was reagans VP from 80-88; in 1988 he was elected president; in 92 he lost to Clinton, who won again in 96 and was replaced by Bush II in 2000 who was re-elected in 2004; Clinton II currently battles for the white house in 2008. For 29 years a Bush or Clinton has either fought to, or has occupied the white house

oh yea one other thing, it was much much easier to molest children back in the day.

rember the SPOON… that everyones mom had

cant do that shit now

seriously, i remember going to the res and getting gas for $0.81/gal

ahh, the good ol’ days

:lol: yes sir

the spanking spoon was uncool better than dads belt though

lol yeah. That was when you could get a pack of camels for $0.99

remember zuba pants were the shit and everyone had the bills ones cuz they were actually a team worth watching

Oh no kidding. I didn’t realize that the current royal families had been around that long. Kinda scary.

:lol: I used to rock them

jeeze I was such a white trash little kid. Zuba pants, a rat tail and a jim kelly shirt




and then 5 hours latter when you learned you lesson with you mom bitchen and the spoon…he gets home and kicks your ass

what about in school no wearing shorts, girls had to wear skirts at least 4 fingers from the knee and shirts with sleeves, no gum allowed or detention, and if you had a pager and got caught with it that was the end of the world to them, you mustve been a drug dealer. Now i drive down the street and the kids are wearing whatever they want, i remember getting in trouble cuz i bought a pair of JNCOs with the big bottoms and the teachers thought they were unappropriate.



How did this turn into a nostalgia thread?


I used to have to leave my living room to play tennis, golf, box, or bowl. Now I can turn on the wii.



Trampoline in my living room

Cream colored Bean bag chair that i sat in watching the OJ Simpson chase on my

Big stereo system in my room