we have the WORST for sale ads on earth...

i gotta be honest, i lied

thats just me posting random shit to keep you off my back haha

sorry cheif

no but serisously, the offset will be either -10 or +14 according to some of the guys over at gtrc

size and width will be up shortly, but im willing to bet there 17 x 9 or 9.5

ill delte that thread for now. i got what i wanted out of it anyways, interested buyers ready for when they arrive

it will be back up with specs, pics, descriptions, ect ect

youll love it

edit nvm

i gotta be honest, i lied

thats just me posting random shit to keep you off my back haha

sorry cheif

no but serisously, the offset will be either -10 or +14 according to some of the guys over at gtrc

size and width will be up shortly, but im willing to bet there 17 x 9 or 9.5

ill dlete the thread for now. i got what i was looking for anyways, some interested potential buyers for when they arrive

ill put the thread back up with pics, specs, descriptions, ect ect
youll love it

^^ too bad i stopped playing poker

i smelt that bs from a mile away

but its ok, cause i don’t really care lol

just wanted to post that up.

1k for 17x9s +14 OR -10 is pretty sweet deal IF its for a set.

anything below +20 is aight

looking forward to seeing what specs they are.

as as i, and yes it will be for a set of 4, with whateer rubber they show up with from j land

I agree with Mark, but if you want to make everything more “Pretty” then I suggest stirctly enforcing the FS templates.

Don’t fill out the template properly, completly and post up a picture with in one bump (7 days) delete the post. Simple.

For the record, my for sale ad was a joke…

I think the step towards the Template system was fantastic and it took some creative
hacking on my part to implement it.

And what do we get out of it? Half of the people who make FS threads are complete utter morans
who can’t seem to properly fill in half the shit.

Not to mention a lot more like to leave the ** Please fill in all the fields before creating the thread **
portion of the text still in their post :hsugh:

People also need to stop pretending to be funny in threads (case in point, see the pepsi
discussion in this thread). If you want to whore up a thread, do it on another forum. k.thx.

The mods try their best to enforce the threads, the least people could do it put a bit of effort
in their posts to help us out.

Low balling is another issue. This is one of our favourite subjects that’s been beaten to death.
If you’re too ignorant and immature enough to deal with someone lowballing by turning it into a flame fest,
then you shouldn’t be starting a thread in the first place. If someone low balls, ignore then and report them.
Simple as that. It’s too bad SON has that rep of being the low-ball capital of the internet.

So what happens if I get low balled by a Mod?

Deal with it :squint: