wednesday night KC meet races

hey just wondering if any one knows where everyone or at least 80% of the cars that go to Kennedy commons go to race, i saw at least two 240s and many skylines go so im wondering if anyone here knows. i know it’s some place out east cause that’s where they were all headed pack after pack I am not a cop i just want to see some racing.


lol fast and furious. go to woodbridge. thread should be locked.

people usually race to see who gets on the 401 on ramp first, after that they just cruise.


Yup, or who can get to wild wings first…


But seriously KC always has so many cruisers hanging around (specially Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s) its not even worth the chance…

I tried to follow about 20 or more cars taken off eat and they made damn sure no one could follow them i was going at least 130km and could no longer see them in site, i don’t think these new laws have made much changes lol but back in the day it was very easy to get to the races. now you have to know people or have a really fast car and drive it really fast on the high way witch is not worth it in the end


does anybody know him?

+1 vote to ban

they starts the race in front of 31, 32, or 33 division. dont be late. and make sure you rev your engine to let your boys know your launching it. roflol

Suprised this isn’t locked yet.

All dave’s are cops.

ppl dont race at kc they all rev hard wen coming and going but only hardpark at timmies… u want to see races go to the race track.

Theres a S14, Lowered , with exhaust and some other parts in Durhams police force now.
Weird that his name is dave s14

lock this thread. im sure some pigs wouldn’t mind glancing at this

why do we need to lock this thread?, some idiot with shady intentions is trying to find some street races around the GTA, so let him. we don’t do it, we have nothing to hide, so why lock it?

Hes a cop dom!!!


Me: What do you got under the hood?
Jesse: More than you can afford pal (revs hard) Ferrari!!!

Street Racing is illegal, we don’t do anything illegal here. </End bait thread>

eh… we have tracks for racing… i feel insulted LOL… as a 240 owner. lol.

The people who usually ‘street race’, do so in their minivans, beater corollas, civics (no hating, civics are good cars, but just saying), etc… junk-o american old cars and so on…

shifty eyes… lol