Wegman's is trend setting

oh boo hoo

I’m not sure how much they were selling in the first place, it seems like such a chore whenever anybody in front of me got them - they had to go to the customer service, grab them, ID you etc. I bet they damn near were losing money on them with all the handling overhead…

:tup: smokers will probably get angry and go to Tops now so I doubt Tops will jump on the bandwagon.

Awesome if you ask me. I hope more people decide to follow them.

How much money do they even make off tobacco products anyways? I wouldn’t think its that much, id say its worth the sales loss for the possible positive outcome.

And as far as fat people, what are you going to do, not sell food to fat people? There is no good way to prevent fat people to stop eating.

i have never bought smokes from either of the mentioned stores. I personally think it’s a good thing, as stated they can do whatever they please. It could have a very positive effect on the community. :tup: to them for not being shy about doing what they want not want everyone else wants.


I noticed the other day that they didn’t sell much anyway.The publicity and statement are well worth the measly loss.

Their tobacco revenue isnt much, so it wont be a considerable loss. How many people do you see buying cigarettes and chew at Wegman’s and Tops as opposed to gas stations.

Like others said, they might as well get rid of the alcohol, fatty foods, and half the pharmacy.

In these case studies of alcohol vs tobacco fatalities, are automotive accidents considered in the numbers from alcohol, or just strictly deaths from long term usage??

As soon as I heard about this I sent an email to Wegmans commending them on their decision. It makes good social sense and business sense to stop carrying tobacco products. As for all the smokers whining like a bunch of little girls, I feel no sympathy for you. I think you’re all idiots for partaking in an activity which has absolutely no beneficial quality and in fact has been proved to ruin your health and shorten your lives. You are truly all Darwin’s children.

are you joking? it certainly is news to me if nicotine is the actual carcinogen in cigarettes (note the sarcasm). nicotine is merely the addictive drug in cigarettes, it is all the tar, etc that rips you lungs and body apart.

so i guess technically you are right. alcohol is more dangerous than nicotine [alone]. but that is quite irrelevant.

wtf are you talking about and where the fuck did you get your facts from? they dont teach that stuff in medical school :gotme:. lung function increases again? the vasoconstrictor niccotine is what engenders high blood pressure and eschemia to a patient, of course due to plaque formation on arterial walls and hardening of the arteries–arteriosclerosis. when you quit smoking your lung function doesnt increase again. What happens is that your blood vessels start to actually dilate therefore allowing greater oxygen binding and co2 dissociation from the blood. however scarring leads to reduced elasticity of the alveolar lining, this does NOT get better. your example is about as good as my example of swallowing rat poison daily. once you stop your body will be healthier, so you may feel better but your body will still be damaged.

“obesity is the #1 problem in america today. I’d rather see a group of people smoking, than a group of fat fucks eating” – subjective whether or not it is the “#1” problem in america, maybe when talking about people getting fat asses, but there are many more severe problems in society. i see your logic, but standing next to some disgusting fatty eating bacon will not affect my health. standing next to a bunch of smokers and then experiencing the effects of second hand smoke… not really the same thing.

from now on to assuage all confusion and to keep misleading statements at a minimum, all retards keep mouth shut, tx…

They charged waayyyyy too much for smokes anyways :rolljerk:


Whilw unhealty lifestyles have their effects on society as a whole, economy especially, I think that smoking affects more than anything else. Obesity aside, if you eat a baconator from wendys you are the only one getting fat not the people in breathing proximity. And again while over eating and drug abuse affect society as a whole, smoking has more combined affects on society.

I dont think it is a bad idea from a moral standpoint and they can decide what they want to carry in the store. From a business stand point it doesn’t make much sense but they obviously value their morals more than the almighty dollar so here here.

edit: apparently this was already said, der der der

wegman’s is like the older bro i never had

he won’t even buy me shmokes :tdown:

It makes it easier on the cashier too, since you don’t have to worry about selling tobacco products, nor do the insane amounts of training about it that they do.
I had to basically spend a 6-7 hours learning about tobacco products and how to properly sell them, to even be able to use a register. and heck, I work in photo. I’ve never touched one tobacco product at work as of yet.
But I don’t work at wegmans, so whatever -.-

Might pan out to be a brilliant business move. I doubt they made much money at all on smokes, since there is so much competition in selling them. They’re getting tons of free advertising from this…probably more than enough to outweigh the profits of a couple years worth of cig sales.

It’s the talk on every news outlet, online, everywhere. Plus, it paints them in a good light, which plenty of companies drop a couple mill on each year by donations/charities/whatever.

I bet the business end of the deal isn’t so bad at all…and if this sets a trend, and I think it will, they can spin the move for years to come.

Smoking is going out of vogue, and I think someone at Wegmans realized a way to jump off the bandwagon in a stylish way. :carnut

I don’t really agree with the fact that it won’t be a considerable loss. Maybe a percentage of wegmans money wouldn’t be as noticed.

In terms of revenue I’m willing to bet Wegmans will eclipse any gas station. Wegmans just has sooooo many more customers. Even If 3% of Wegmans’s customers purchased cigarettes while they were there thats still far far more customers than probably every gas station within a mile.

So It probably will be a considerable loss, just not a large percentage

I doubt a single Wegmans store outsells a single busy gas station. Everyone buys smokes at a gas station…

It’s nice to throw out numbers like 3%, but it’s such a common fallacy to assume that x (small) percent of people do/will do something. “If we can just get 1% of the market share…”

I can damn near guarantee that 3% of people checking out at Wegs have cigs. I bet not even 1% do.

wegmans never carried my cigs and overcharged the shit out of them anyways.

fucking kwikfill for the win, cheapest ones around

but hey im quitting for new years anyway

??? im confused don’t you get a lifetime supply at birth :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right.