Wegman's is trend setting

Word to capitalism.

I don’t give 2 shits to hear their arguments or read the thread, but I guarantee that somebody figured out that it will likely boost their bottom line. Any health/community benefits are just a bonus.

Good for them.

Besides, it’s 2008. Who the fuck is dumb enough to still be smoking? Lets go Darwin, lets go! The herd could always use a little thinning out.

Disclaimer for anyone that smokes: Your smoking has absolutely no bearing on the quality of your character, so don’t be offended. Now put those stupid fucking things down while it’s still your life to live.

Random fact Wegmans started as a liquor store…

Good for them. Won’t effect me at all, but I think it’s a good thing.

To all the people making the argument that they are still selling alcohol and fatty foods you’re missing a significant point in that both those things still have nutritional/health value. Sure they can be abused, but there is no other product on the planet like tobacco. Imagine if someone tried to put a product on the market today that had no nutritional or medicinal value; caused numerous cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease, emphysema, artery blockage… (you get the point); was known to be an addictive substance; and finally was known to decrease lifespan. The only reason these fucking things are still around is bad politics. Finally, cigarette use is decreasing as the older generation is dying off and there are less people taking up the habit. Wegmans has grown the balls to say enough is enough and I hope many others will follow.

I never ever seen a death certificate that said “cause of death” tobacco, cigarettes…

It’s the effects that the cigarette has on the persons body, lungs, lymph nodes, etc. Of course it’s not going to say that on the death certificate. Smoking effects the entire respiratory system, lungs, throut, tongue…

You don’t get black lungs from eating food.

Sad part is when I was at Roswell for treatment, there would be patients in their wheelchairs with their oxygen machines hooked up to them outside smoking through the hold in their neck. Sidenote- Roswell Park is now a no smoke zone. :slight_smile:

sidenote: i work there, its gross people have to go across the street and they smoke inside the parking garage…

nah, not enrolled… :wink:


QFT! As a part-timer at the Service Desk at Wegmans, that’s what I always hear any time someone buys a pack. And it amazes me when they still end up buying them because they are too lazy to walk to the gas station next door:retard:. Anyways, I love this move by Wegmans and it’s one less thing I have to do at work :thankyou:

personally… I’m a smoker and think it’s a great idea. Also heard that walmart was doing the same thing.

I think it’s retarded that the government says no to ALOT of relatively harmless shit, but yet gives the nod for something as dangerous as cigarettes and proceeds to tax the shit out of it.

fucking Hippocratic

i never bought smokes from wegmans, they’re like 8 bills a pack.

but they have quite the selection of beer. and the subs there are delish.

Sidenote reply. I’m assuming you are talking about Roswell. The parking ramp is not owned by Roswell, hence people being able to smoke there.
I walk through the entrance/exit where the cars go through. Smokers don’t stand there.

Alcohol may rip families apart but smoke affects more than just the people that are smoking. Think of how many kids are getting second hand smoke because their parent are on a pack a day. Good move by Wegmans.

Late night sushi and beer FTW!

hippocratic would be involving ethical practice of medicine, which, ironically, is quite the opposite of what they are doing.
ill beat the other English nerds to it.

i’ve also never bought smokes from wegmans…usually get mine at noco or something. but if they want to set a trend good for them…hopfully others will follow and ill be forced to quit the bad habit lol

WORD. Drunk drivers NEVER kill anyone.

:gotme: who buys cigarettes from wegmans anyway?

^ nobody way to expensive