Weight Reduction: Human Edition

no $40 a tub is cheap. definetly aware at how difficult and slow muscle mass gain is, thats why i’m thinking all the calories would make me fat rather then grow musle lol. guess where just going round and round.

just scared of getting fat again. you’ve got 60 lbs on my and you are probably more cut

It all depends on how you work out and whats encorporated in your workouts. Below is 2 pics of me… One was during winter and one was during summer… Winter I usually Bulk and summer I cut… I actually eat the same exact amount, just workout differently… As you can see in pic 1 im def alot more puffier… pic 2 is my summer workout with cardio added and as you can see im more cut… smaller… but more cut.

whats the weight gainer you use? think might have asked you that already. Its 1000 cal a serving? maybe i’ll just add that and see how it goes. 3500 would be better then 2500 i suppose.

I think with shit like this I’ll be getting bigger, not smaller lol


good job man! now take that blue thing off the bar lol

I went all the way up to 245 before I realized it existed :lol I’m in so much less pain after squats, shark fin ftw!

what gym do you go to btw?

Right now since I’m in Georgia I’ve been going to the Ramsey Center at UGA, but normally the Armory gym at RPI.

I squatted 285 last week and will attempt that and maybe more tomorrow night

be careful PJB

Do work man! Stretch first and don’t hurt yourself.

Ive been squatting 280 for a while now and just went up 5 pounds last week. I stretch between sets of reps and I know my limits.

how many reps/ sets do you do?

200 x 8
220 x 8
240 x 8
260 x 6
280-285 x 6

what are your goals?

to build muscle and get in shape.

you should prob do more sets with heavier weight instead of moving up in 20lb incriments. like maybe 2 45’s on each side (225) for 8 then add a 25 to each side (275) for 3 sets of 6, then maybe a set of 3 45’s on each side (315) for a set of 3 to 5 depending on your stamina, which is prob pretty good with the way uve been going. sometimes when you change it up your body will respond very well in terms of strength and growth.

I’m highly doubting that PJB can freeweight squat what he claims for reps. I’m talking about full, freeweight squats…

I just like to work my way up I guess. Once I start lifting a heavier set I usually up the minimum weight. So far Ive been pleased with the results.

I use the squat rack, not the assisted thing- only free weights. Im not a little guy.

word, smith machine is alot easier.