Weight Reduction: Human Edition

Smith machine is nice for days where my workout partner can’t make it, other than that I’m on the same rack (or pair of racks for super set days) for my whole hr to hr and a half.

unfortunately the smith machine is all you’ve got at PF. I always thought it was easier to to heavier weights without the SM personally

uhh, no? They’ve got freeweight racks.

i mean there is no squat rack

yes, they do lol… Idk what one you go to but where I go they do.

i remember going to the one in Clifton Park a few yrs back, and there wasnt a squat rack. dont know if they ever got one tho.

the clifton park gym is the size of my bathroom lol

scratch that actually, thats glenville lol…

In Rotterdam they have a squat rack and i think loudonville.

I’m down to 155 by drinking a whole lot more water instead of milk/other drinks.

only been to loudonvile and EG. definetly no squat rack at either one.

and only one flat bench equipped for barbell bench press at loundonvile after they remodeled

where is there a squat rack?

oh i see. never seen one in loudonvile. In fact when i first signed up i asked them if they planned on ever getting one and they said something like it wasn’t in line with thier ‘philosophy’ or something like that. keep meaning to check out the one in crossgates commons.

nvm, forgot they remodled, have only been there twice since then and idr what machines they got now… well 100% def one at rotterdam lol

they have these dedicated barbells on a rack… there like dumbells, a set weight on them that you can’t adjust. takes up a hell of a lot more space then they do good.

the tiny area they had for FW got even smaller and its litterally like you are penned in lol.

they used to have extra barbells at least. that was kinda essential. if you want to use a bar at eg you have to take it off a bench and then some poor asshole (me) can’t do his barbell bench press

so i binge eat over the weekend. like no holds barred binge eating. the scale says i gained 12 lbs. wtf is that even humanly possible? if i really gained ten in fat anyway, i don’t think i’d be fitting comfortable into the same pants as i was the week ebfore

anythings possible, but I highly doubt it… scales prolly off… once and a while my scale will say 10-15 pounds heavier or lighter… I’ll bang it or throw it and it will give me the correct weight eventuall lol.

It’s 99% water retention. I have done 20lbs in a weekend and dropped it within 24hrs. :lol

not even… scales off meng.

I promise you it’s 100% possible, my scale is dead-nuts accurate.

i know its possible but its very VERY unlikely to hold that much water in a weekend… especially without being on steroids which are kown to hold water.

two scales telling me the same thing.

I’ve been working out like a mainiac for 4 months on a calorie restriction… so i’m hoping that just maybe there is a little muscle mass thrown in there.

thinking waters got a lot to do with it too

the last time i was losing weight, and insanely weighting myself multiple times a day… i swear to god i could fluctuate nearly 10 lbs in a day… but that probably had a lot to do with scales reading wrong

Slacking off lately, still maintaining my losses quite well. Going to hit it hard next week.