Weight Reduction: Human Edition

I’ve been focusing on weightlifting so I’m still 215. However, my shirts are no longer tight around my gut and are tight around my chest/shoulders :lol

Making some REAL good gains with my program!

Ive also got a few shirts that have gotten tight around the shoulders and some that are now too short due to my shoulders pulling them up.

I squatted 310 tonight.

Nice man, good shit!

I switched phases in my program, down to squatting 245 5x5. Week 1 of this phase SUCKS, epic lactic acid!!

I refuse to take supplements, vitamins, roids, etc.

I got up 6 reps of 310.

Lactic acid is not a supplement, its what builds in your muscles with high amounts of exercise :lol

I also take no supplements.

oh, ok.

smith machine dont count paul.

no machines involved. Free weights on a squat rack

Lol at pjb thinking that he knows anything about nutrition, lol at pjb for thinking that he can squat 310 even once, and lol at people that workout to look better to try to impress/intimate other people. Bodybuilding is such a crock of shit,there is NOTHING healthy about it

Im not out to impress anybody and I dont just think about it, Im doing it.

i rly want to see you do some squats pjb

I do it on fridays at the gym.

how far do u go down with your motion? parallel?

what do you mean? I go down into a sitting position. Dont really know how to describe it.

ur butt touches the ground??


Back to 168, seems like I should exercise/watch my died after all. :rofl

I’ll bet twenty dollars that PJB cannot PROPERLY squat 315 3 times.

i squated 350 3x today.

but, then the fat whore crushed my nuts. so i slapped the ho.

Update: I fell off the bandwagon shortly after my last update a couple months ago, actually managed to stay at that weight though. 286 > 330ish any day though. Gonna actually try again, its difficult and sometimes feels impossible, but I have to keep goin’.