Weight Reduction: Human Edition


You said he should stop eating junk and start eating healthy which obviously goes for ALMOST anyone looking to follow a healthy lifestyle… However, eating healthy requires twice, if not three times the amount of food consumption to get your nessisary daily fats, proteins, carbs and calories compared to the “junk”… As a certified personal trainer and Amatuer/wannabe (lol) bodybuilder imo I feel this kid @ 6"3, 130 pounds should eat everything and anything in site and forget about any kind of healthy diet… A healthy diet should absolutely occur in the future, but def not the way the dude sits right now…

Honestly, I bet if dude went to the Dr theyd suggest putting him on Testosterone for weight gain… Guy is THAT skinny lol…

Eat crisco, by itself

Casein wont do shit for this dude but burn a whole in his pocket… Casein has NO fats, NO calories and NO carbs, 3 out of 4 things it takes to make you gain… All it has is a special protein that helps your body from feeding off your own muscle during the 8 hours your alseep.

Weight gain/loss=calories in vs. calories out, yes it’s THAT simple. Yeah, ‘macros’ matter for gaining weight, but most of you are so far off in your diet/training that there are many other things to figure out before that

And yeah, someone that is over 6 foot tall weighing 130 NEEDS to be eating high calorie meals, regardless of the sources. Here is a good shake for a motherfucker like that-

2 eggs
2 scoops protien powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
Fat ass chunk of PB
Water/milk diluted for proper texture/taste

800+++ calories. Have two of those a day, on top of 3 meals, you WILL GAIN WEIGHT.

Down to 165 without doing anything crazy.

Been drinking a full cup of water before every meal and consuming more water in general.

TT, you still hold the dietary secrets? :lol

Throw a cup of ice cream in there to add another 300 cals.

And drink milk. Whole milk. Gallon a day.

Keep in mind everyone, when not eating “clean” your weight on the scale will not always indicate what’s really going on.

Example: I was 288 on Friday, I ate like a fuckin’ mad man on Saturday and drank a ton of liquids but didn’t have to piss very much. Saturday night, I was 298lbs and 6 hours later I was 292 and then I was back down to 288 by mid-day. ROFLCOPTER.

Anyway, I put weight loss on hold until Thursday due to the cluster of birthday events (including my own). I should be holding steady @ 288-289 until then and hopefully I’ll be down to 284-5 by the weekend.

Moral of the story: Calories in vs calories out is the real factor, but eating clean will make it easier to keep track of daily losses.

And a few tbs. of coconut oil.

And a Big Mac.

From experience, trying to do this for gaining weight will end up with weight LOSS… I am extremely dedicated and even I have a hard time consuming 5k GOOD calories per day… if it wasnt for shakes, i would be FUCKED. At his weight, a dirty bulk is the only way to go.

To eat the calories he needs in an effort to gain weight, he’d go broke before he consumed enough “healthy” or “clean” calories anyway :lol



its protein, so its got calories, but not enough to effect weight much on its own

Yes… thats what I meant… its got like 90 calories compared to my weight gainer that has about 1,200 calories lol.

so currently cutting weight and experenicing some loss of muslce or at least strength.

plan on going back to straight weight lifting for a month or two soon.

any recommendations on resources to tell me about how much to eat according to my height, weight, bodyfat percentage and activity level so that i might optimize my muscle gain but minimize how much fat i put on?

I’m the opposite of the 6’6’’ stick figure… i eat a big mac and it ‘goes straight to my hips’ lol. actually it goes straight to my bitch tits.

1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, 300 carbs, 120 grams of good fats & 4k calories minimum per day and you will grow.

lol, undoubtedly i’d grow on 4K cals… just convinced it would be mostly fat.

whats your height and weight? not thinking a blanket # of grams for carbs and fat will apply to everyone.

right now i’m eating 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat on about a 2,500 cal intake. I’m probably burning 3000k plus a day but when i am just lifting i’m thinking the amount of calories i burn will go way down.

If you follow the formula i just gave you along with exercise it wont be alot of fat at all… Also assuming your at least trying to make those calories clean calories. Your not going to grow on 2,500 calories… sorry… your just not. 2,500 calories is what id suggest to LOOSE weight.

Im 5"8 220 pounds… yes… lol im mad short.

lol i’m 5’8’’ too. I don’t know it sounds like a lot, also sounds like it might be difficult to eat that in a healthy way and not go broke. You would consider weight gainer shakes to be ‘clean’?

eating 2,500 to lose weight currently but used to eat as low as 1500

Dude… do you know how hard it is to gain muscle weight? lol… HARD. Yes, eating 4k plus calories a day IS hard… but thats just the way it is lol. Shit, I wish I could be 240 right now, but I probably wont see that weight for years and years if ever.

Weight gainers are def clean and a very good choice… Just keep in mind your body doesnt digest the total amount of protein, carbs, fats and calories… deduct about 25% off of what the nutritional facts are but STILL an exellent quick way to reach your 4k calories per day… and the shits cheap!!! You may not think so at $40 a jug but just think how much real food it would take to get those nutritional facts and the price of that real food.