Weight Reduction: Human Edition

Yeah I always weigh myself after the first piss of the day when keeping track, helps to have a chart in excel or something to visually see the results.

Water weight.

Protip: salt makes you retain water = moar lbs

Weigh yourself weekly, same day/time though.

I was kidding on the losing weight part for pooling . I was at 240 all weekend and today 238 nooss I’m sure .

Hey I only got loud to defend the thread and myself.

Overweight NickAlero posting ITT.

On a good note, I dropped 6lbs this week. When I’m not living at home I don’t buy junk food so I don’t eat it, and I cook for myself. Chicken eggs and whole wheat bread sammiches FTW.

Don’t bring the thread into this. I was contributing to the thread and pointing out your BS at the same time. Excuses are excuses. Period.

Headaches could be from caffeine or sugar dependency. It could also be dehydration make sure you drink enough water, not soda…water. Weigh yourself with no clothes in the morning right when you wake up for consistency. Its a habit for me now. If you gain a 1/2lb or lb but you know you have been good don’t worry you probably just had more water or have a nice deuce brewing lol. Just look at the overall trend.

I’m at 177 myself today. Very happy with my results, still eating what I want.

I started my diet Friday and weighed in yesterday at 335.8 I will report every sunday with that weigh in.

No offense but I really thought you weighed alot more than that.

We’re both around the same height and Im around 225 right now. I was down to around 215 over the summer. I used to be about 260 before I started going to the gym 6 years ago.

Nah man I’m 240 ish I’m big but my girth is all up top in my gut lol

I guess I just figured you to be about 275.

Id love to get down to below 200 and was getting close but then I bulked up a little from working out and gained a little from not doing much during the winter.

In the summer I sweat my ass off at work and usually lose 10 pounds.

So much easier to gain than lose.

Did you join a gym yet?

Not yet , I need to I used to think that my work habits were enough of a workout lol but once your body is used to it its not a workout .

Exactly. I go to the gym right after work most days (before on Tuesdays), walk 1.5 miles a night after that, walk 2 miles on Saturday nights, walk 4-5.5 miles on Sunday mornings and walk another 3.5 miles on Sunday nights. In nicer weather I go for a 20 mile bike ride on Sunday mornings.

Not that most of you would go but there’s a health thing down at empire state plaza this sat the 21st pay 3 bucks to get in get a free month membership at best fitness and they are having booths and demonstrations of exercises and healthy eating habits.

It helps me keep track of which foods cause water retention. If you have a normalized, stable diet you can always weigh yourself everyday without an issue.

296lb flat this morning.

Jon what are you eating?

fat boy sanctuary ITT.

(not hating, i am a fellow fatboy)

As you probably know Jon, don’t fall into one of these fad, bogus, low-no carb diets. I think the fad is mostly over, but back when I was into the fitness scene, it was downright comical to see someone cut out carbs, lose ‘weight’ (glycogen stores), freak out about their ‘progress’, start eating like a human again, and put it right back on.

Life is too short to not eat good food, and a calorie is a calorie for ANYONE in this thread.

I’m not on a carb restricted diet at all. I’ll msg you details. My current plan is more to jumpstart the process, then I will move to a longterm modified normal intake with more of my favorite foods worked in.

294.4lbs today

Doing a 15-20 day juice program may not be bad for you… Be a good start to eating correctly.