Weight Reduction: Human Edition


Its really not that hard to eat relatively healthy if you know what to look for

I went from 265 in september 2010 to 198 in april 2011. I’m 220 right now, mostly due to inability to maintain a healthy and predictable diet while commuting to school last semester. I want to cut down to about 190 by the end of my stay in Georgia. I also have certain lifting goals, so I’ll be shooting for a good combination of weight training and aerobic workouts.

JDaniels, the elliptical is your friend. Its easier on your joints, especially being heavier. It will also maintain your heart rate more constantly than running will, since especially starting off, you would be inclined to speed up then constantly slow down, lowering the effectiveness of running.

Good luck man, I’ll be doing the same shit.

I’m fucking starving.

My narrow ass rings in at about 175 (6’2").

Im right there with yah man.

Anyone saying that commuting to school is why they’re fat is full of shit. I gained 25 pounds my freshmen year from eating like a douche bag and cut it out after that, lost it all and never gained it back. There are healthy options at every place you’re buying the fatburger with cheese for 2.95 faggot.

So true lol

I’m not hungry, but I have a killer headache and my stomach feels empty. Fuck it. Pushing forward, being fat is painful and extreme calorie deficits are painful – choose one, they are both temporary but only one ends in death.

296.8 this morning. I’ll have to do a re-count later to see if dropping a stink pickle helps. Prob be in the 296 flat arena if I didn’t have so much sodium yesterday (LOL I ATE MAD PICKLES, SON).

I was a small 36 waist last time I followed all the way through, I mean like a 36 in Aero slim jeans, not wrangler boot cut shit or gangsta pants. I was up to a 44, but I’m back in a hefty 40 right now and I need a belt. Hopefully I can tag a 34 waist this time… be the smallest jeans I ever purchased in my entire life…

Haven’t visted the gym yet, I was sick on Friday so I didn’t get a chance. My hefty co-worker and I will be going to Planet Shitness 3-4x a week starting next week.

Fat people getting smaller ITT.

Your asshole sore yet from riding my dick so hard? Because thats all you do, in every thread.

Oh, and probably gained back weight because I like the tuna here.

bullshit, noone likes the tuna here.

Figured I’d do you a favor and get you laid.

Nick gettin loud up in here !!!

I will literally beat the shit out of everyone that wants to get loud ITT. This is a fat guy sanctuary, if you have some bullshit to say – DIAF.

Ok so is the whole headaches from not eating shitty foods a common, documented thing then? Every single time I try to change up my diet for the first few weeks I start cutting sugar/carbs/fat out I get brutal migraines.

That’s normal. Same with caffeine dependency.

I have noticed the same thing. I used to drink 2 liters of soda a day EASY, if not more. Cutting that out KILLED me. Caffeine is a motherfucker!

Ok so this morn I weighed myself I’m at 238 after lunch I took a massive shit that I do beloved ripped my balloon knot seeing as it hurt badly and I bled … Gotta be worth a few lbs seeing as I didn’t shit all weekend

You guys don’t really consider daily weight fluctuations losses do you? My weight will fluctuate a solid 5 lbs day to day sometimes.

One thing I hate is when someone will weigh themselves at 8pm one day, then again in the morning and be all ZOMG I LOST 7 LBS OVERNIGHT AND THEN GAINED BACK 6 THE NEXT DAY.

No. You fucking dumbass.

Omfg^ lol
That’s one way to drop the lbs

when you first wake up in the morning not having anything to eat for the last 7-8 hours is the best and only time to weigh yourself.